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<br />r~ <br />II <br /> CITY OF ARDEN fiLLS, MTh'NESOTA <br />[1. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br /> DECEMBER 31, 2004 <br />Note 3: DETAILED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS - CONTINUED <br />[I Beginning Ending <br /> Balance Increases Decreases Balance <br />n Business-type activities: <br />Capital assets not being depreciated <br /> Construction in progress $ 451,113 $ 595,316 $ $ 1,046,429 <br />[I Capital assets being depreciated <br />Buildings and structures 4,170 4,170 <br /> Infrastructure and <br />f1 improvements 11,376,364 514,191 11 ,890,555 <br />Machinery and equipment 844,279 24,942 869,221 <br /> Office furniture and equipment 25,542 (13,567) 11,975 <br />U Vebic1es 95,092 8,017 103,109 <br />Total capital assets <br /> being depreciated 12,345,447 547,150 ( 13 ,567) 12,879,030 <br />[ [ Less accumulated depreciation for <br /> Buildings and structures (1,894) (208) (2,102) <br />[I Infrastructure and <br />improvements (3,494,694) (24 J ,938) (3,736,632) <br />Machinery and equipment (606,831) (45,058) (651,889) <br />fie Office furniture and equipment (22,525) (2,866) 13,567 (11,824) <br />Vebic1es (64,088) (5,930) (8,017) (78,035) <br /> Total accumulated <br />[i depreciation (4,190,032) (296,000) 5,550 (4,480,482) <br />Total capital assets <br />U being depreciated, net 8,155,415 251,150 (8,017) 8,398,548 <br />Business-type activities <br /> capital assets, net $ 8,606,528 $ 846,466 $ (8,017) $ 9,444,977 <br />[! Depreciation expense was charged to functions/programs of the primary government as follows: <br />1I Governmental activities <br />General government $ 88,399 <br />Public safety 1,474 <br /> Public works 149,149 <br />Ij Culnrre and recreation 60,875 <br />, Economic development 58,172 <br />l i <br />[ : Total depreciation expense - governmental activities $ 358,069 <br />Business-type activities <br /> Water $ 165,669 <br /> Sewer 128,308 <br />:. Surface water management 2,023 <br /> Total depreciation expense - business-type activities $ 296,000 <br /> -27- <br />