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<br /> ----------- <br /> !l <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS, MJNNESOTA ' - <br /> GENERAL FUND .- <br />SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - <br /> BUDGET AND ACWAL <br /> FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004 <br />(With comparative actual amounts for the year ended December 31, 2003) [j <br /> 2004 2003 <br /> Variance with II <br /> Final Budget - <br /> Budgeted Amounts Actual Positive Actual <br /> Original Final Amounts (Negative) Amounts n <br />REVENUES <br />General property taxes $ 2,179,192 $ 2,179,192 $ 2,244,078 $ 64,886 $ 2,230,113 <br />Licenses and permits 11 <br />Business 52,000 52,000 54,543 2,543 47,647 <br />Nonbusiness 308,100 308,100 456,420 148,320 607,903 <br />Total 360,100 360,100 510,963 150,863 655,550 II <br />Intergovernmental revenue n <br />State <br />Street aid 70,000 70,000 66,218 (3,782) 63,288 <br />Property tax credits 6,234 6,234 5,925 <br />Firefighter's relief aid 2,000 Il <br />Other 5,179 5,179 5,179 5,179 <br />Total 75,179 75,179 77,631 2,452 76,39~ <br />Charges for services <br />General government 53,120 53,120 56,063 2,943 59,112 [l <br />Public safety 5,900 5,900 5,914 14 7,269 <br />Culture and recreation 80,600 80,600 82,892 2,292 220 <br />Total 139,620 139,620 144,869 5,249 66,601 U <br />Fines and forfeitures 29,600 29,600 43,055 13,455 31,334 <br />Interest on investments 8,000 8,000 23,376 15,376 8,299 Il <br />Miscellaneous <br />State building code surcharges 10,000 10,000 14,085 4,085 17,918 P <br />City building code surcharges 1,000 1,000 1,025 25 990 .I <br />Refunds and reimbursements 39,250 39,250 47,088 7,838 53,187 <br />Sale of assets 860 860 U <br />Building rent 33,990 33,990 33,990 33,000 <br />Total 84,240 84,240 97,048 12,808 105,095 U <br />TOTAL REVENUES 2,875,931 2,875,931 3,141,020 265,089 3,173,384 <br /> I" <br /> I <br /> -' <br /> (, <br /> -46- <br />