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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Memo <br />Replacement of Lift Stations - Impact on Fund Balance <br /> <br />approximately $365,000 to $460,000, depending upon thc option, The estimated fund <br />balance would be around $365,000 if the Engineer's Option A is acceptcd, and the fund <br />balance would be around $460,000 if the Engincer's Option D is accepted, It should be <br />kept in mind that the fund balance is cumulative at the end of the five year period, The <br />project would still be within the affordability range, The City would have adequate <br />funds to finance this project assuming that all future projects (other than Lift Stations) <br />come within the 5 Year CIP Budget, the Met Council's sewer rates stay stable, and that <br />there is not a substantial incrcase in the number of senior discount accounts. Staff is <br />presently comfortable maintaining the $460,000 fund balance, provided all other costs <br />and projected revenue are within the budget. <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />If a decision is made not to re-examine sewer rates, maintain the desired fund balance, <br />and proceed with the rcplacement of the Lift Stations, the Council may want to consider <br />deferring the SCADA project to a period past the current five year CIP plan. The <br />budgctcd amount for SCADA is $175,000. If this option is exercised, the City can still <br />replace all Lift Stations and still maintain the existing fund balancc without altering the <br />sewer rates. <br /> <br />3, If the decision is to move forward and replace all Lift Stations as planned and move <br />forward with SCADA, and still maintain the desired fund balance, the City would have <br />to increase the sewcr rates greater than the rate increase reconuncnded in the Utility <br />Rates Study, According to the study, the sewer rate should be increased by 15% in 2005, <br />5% in years 2006 through 2008, each year, and 3% in 2009. In order to movc forward <br />will all projects, that is, Lift Stations and SCADA, we may want to consider re- <br />evaluating the scwer rates in 2006 and 2007, Ifthe 2006 ratcs are increased by 7.5%, <br />instead of 5% and the 2007 rates by 6% instead of 3%, the City would still be able to <br />maintain a fund balance of around $500,000, if the Engineer's Option D is accepted. <br /> <br />From a number of perspectives such as: Liability/financial exposure due to the failure of the <br />Stations; amount spent on over-time to fix the existing Stations; difficulty in obtaining parts due <br />to obsolescence, operational efficiencies, i.e. lower electrical costs, I would recommend that the <br />City should strongly consider rcplacing all Lift Stations as soon as possible. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION: <br />Staff reconunends that thc Council consider accepting Option D as outlined by the Engineer, <br />with the understanding that Utility Rates may havc to be re-visited in the future as wcll as the <br />nced to re-evaluate the need for thc SCADA project. <br />