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<br />URS <br /> <br />Agenda Item 6.A <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />Thresher Square <br />700 Third Street South <br />Minneapolis, MN 55415 <br />Phone: (612) 370"0700 <br />Fax: (612) 370"1378 <br /> <br />To: <br /> <br />File: <br /> <br />31809837 <br /> <br />Ms, Michelle Wolfe! <br />City of Arden Hills <br /> <br />Copy: <br /> <br />Tom Moore/AH <br />Frank Ticknor/URS <br /> <br />From: <br /> <br />Greg Brown <br />URS Project Manager <br /> <br />Date: <br /> <br />January 4, 2006 <br /> <br />Snbject: <br /> <br />2006 PMP Final Dcsign Authorization <br /> <br />Background <br />The Ridgewood Neigbborbood was identified for pavement reconstruction in 2006 as a part oftbe <br />ongoing City pavement management program, Neighborhood meetings were held in January and March . <br />and meetings with the Lake Johanna Beach Club were held in April and July, The Feasilibity Report for <br />the project was received by Council on August 8, 2005 and a public hearing was conducted on August 29, <br />2005, <br /> <br />The Feasibility Report included a number of project options to be considered by the Council. The report <br />and options were presented at the public hearing in August, 2005 and discussed at the December 19, 2005 <br />Council W orksession, <br /> <br />Final Design Approach <br />The following is a summary of the Engineer's understanding of t~e Council's direction regarding the <br />options included with the Feasiblity Report: <br /> <br />a, <br /> <br />Ridgewood Court Option: No Reconstruction of Ridge wood Court, minor connection work at <br />north end as necessary to connect to Ridgewood Road, <br />Street Cross Section: Construct all streets to with surmountable curb and 22 feet of width between <br />face to face of curb <br />Siems Court Wall Option: Pursue a design which creates three individual driveways in lieu of the <br />single parallel driveway. Remove existing retaining wall, minimize new retaining wall area, Work <br />with residents on details of driveways, grading and walls, <br />Ridgewood Road ROW Issue: A portion of Ridgewood Road currently exists on private property <br />Pursue acquisition of approximately 2,030 square feet ofri3ht of way from property owner at <br />nominal or no cost. - Backup plan to reconstruct roadway with in existing ROW, <br />Roundabout Option: Roundabouts will not be included with the project. <br />Sidewalk Option: Sidewalks will not be included with the moject. <br />Assessments: The Beach Club Association property will be included as an assessable entity (12 <br />equivalent units) resulting in an estimated unit assessment jo,te of$6,500, The assessment hearing <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />b, <br /> <br />c, <br /> <br />d, <br /> <br />e, <br />f. <br />h, <br />