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<br />12/30/2005 21:58 <br /> <br />51282210300 <br /> <br />MN USA WRESTLING <br /> <br />PAGE 03 <br />~Qn'9n <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />,.. ~~1 iU-/;i)(:f\ FRllO:5Z <br /> <br />FAX 5B163U032 Gambling Control Bd <br /> <br />, .. <br />LG215 Lease for Law.t:lllSambling Activity <br /> <br />,";;;678970 <br />/,;' . .. 11,_ <br />"'" ,.,....,>. <br />.':::.,~. ~ <br />- . .,'tiV,'':T:; ~ <br />,~; ,'-' '" <br />'1'\ "', 81.... <br />\' .../ 2 <br />"l1lele5'>;tlr;thel~Simm~' "fdmil'/;~cih:' '~(Ir ~ <br />~mp!oy~ 1::/ d"\l? I~r wl!l 'ire tile ofggntz:atlon :0, "", I <br />po::rfQrm;myactlQ.."\tnDt'IVoolct.... \l~~tlJ~f!Crfute. 01) <br />_ JnMrels;,dISPUl.4i3Stowh~ra I c> ns <br />h"v~~n\:lolll~rl1teI~;.'\Iiil~~i;"lh;Jl't jtIQ3fitla~! <br /><I~~rmln~tion DY t./'lll- Corr:!)!ian.w Reviel'll GrouP' (CRG) o11:J.l~ I <br />t;.ambijnt,! Con'1Vl6D;Jrd. <br />... Tne lessc~ !:ll':"~' r~m~i!y Ca' t$1'l'irmi:e ~ le<JSe ir: who!,;:: or :11 I <br />~rtdlJe?L::h1li' '~5. "'cl~t\M or the pr0V!$ion:; 1i:;m1111 it,~j;. <br />I",,", I <br /> <br />Al'bfrra6o.n PJ'OCeS$ -1'J,e lesoor o!I~rrees ~ ;rrl:lj[n11;ii;lr: when a I <br />y~Jaticn at' lrlEr~ lW~pro.\lii:!<)n!) :s~1f~l'!d. Thl! afbib<lll.or :;haJ: bt> ! <br />lheCRG. I <br />A(:Qtss 'b;) p.ermlned prmnise$ - 'T11.@ at.ard ani;: l~ ~ent:st rhe. 1 <br />(.wnrrdsslor(l)/"$ ofre.venuewd puD:Jic~~ty andlt~ ~\Jents, ~nd j <br />1<lWtP.r~met'!tperwnr..l:.'lr~~l2;)trle:p!l1'l1.'ti:Ed?f~ses I <br />et any Tei;l:iO:'lahi(!: tim~ dutit"l~ tM buslne;) hrn,I~ of the I~, <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />" <br />\ leiI$eTerm~ rt>~ttmiofthb'~'~g~~~!l ~ <br />~ (onCUl1""=:l"It v.'it'\ ttJepr$nise;: PE!rITllt l~d'j; tf1e'oambling <br />i Control &;':~fd.(gOOttl).' ,', . <br />~ M~r\3g~mer"tof'G.~jrl9Pt(l~i~ti-id:'"#t~~nltrotth~ <br />I pJ~mise:!ii or ,n(! ~.Wil_lt'lOl~~~th~ ~"dl)f9al'J'1bj;~ <br />It:t'tleprqqi~, " " <br />i ?artitipQrtJ<m ~3 rllrf.~~'PrO~f~~:~~'~(, thQ i~~':'i <br />Iln'lrr.@d~* f~n':;\y, and~rfY_~~or~!lgtfrr.p1~ of the <br />[. j~:oo~w;J: 110:;f'a.1i~,gpJaytllr!. \n.the~,~ Of lawtl.d <br />g/j!'(;tWr/9<Jt) tt,e PlOlmlSf.3. , <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />; UlegalCJolmbllr1Q. <br />L . ":11a~ris_~oftj]ep~lt[tfOt"i:~I)~I~\)a:mtlif]g <br />. ::~Minnl!!5D~,st<i~e.O~);75"arJd~~~,'foJi~\ <br />g;Jmbli1i9Yiol,Qtk.~ in~~tsOtaR*?BeLGO~( S~(t~. <br />i _ ,,:', '-,- '"-,',"'_ -:,' <br />i J iotl~~ ~:<;:;Q1'"jltl~s,~oWI_ed;e.,~,!~r:amrm!O~{ <br />i l:nyl!!l/'ld Ell: 9aJ~Of:deiA~~t.e:J.O:n,twl~iSl;5Nr not <br />~ l)eirlglls-ed;M~are:oot~~IJf:~~::t.a.Tl".iIn"'5 <br />';;I~'viclat~th, ~~,h\bi~~~~',~,'"j;f~,,~ ',"'," <br />Mir.(le50ttJ~.~'.75";'.l!I'ld:rM::~Ii!::fut.U!egel <br />~~mblln(l 'Jlollt':1~1r1-Mrhh~-RI.keS-'Y86..hQe50; SUbpart 3, <br />, ", " '::"" ,:', <br />'. N:o'::WIrhsrnnditll;1 MIn~RUll"i>786~oso._Sub~ 3.;)n <br />CA'gank.!l:icr\must~~~~~:~,purs:u~l'It <br />~u 1her.errn~ d tht'1~e,.if-1he, ~u:hI~or,~ l>genlS"&e <br />"'''''dtobe''':;'Iy~fo<~l~~Ir(jOl!ld\'''~ <br />"__\l>"J.prol)tbJt.ob\<~""RtIles7a&LOO50. <br />SI..ibJ>art J/QrMjn~~wq..1S;llril~ the <br />~).,,?~ni(~ticn's~ga:rit$~(Q(;:tne~_gM'lblin9 <br />I' ad:i\f.t{ ~fe ,,1~~t$,dtiflmp~:Qf'~k'$ot; Rent~[l-intlU5ive r ~nts: D3llJ 88 rent try -d:e (:lrganizalion to <br />[ "'1'l1e:~Of$t1a.~I1~l~'Oi-~~,~)~'lolNttoleOr thelGSS-ora.feaIJ-inl:!\.!sh-e(exz;:eptblrl9O!1l:r,t)~ r~oottler$ervlC~ <br />I :>1 partbeca~ the-'~~~o'~~''IO:<Ji''e"'otkxal pravid('(l(Jr co~ by the-Ies.o;or lPltVbepaid by tlJ:: <br />tew~nr~m~t,~ty,Ot~~.~~~i'tthe Of9ariutian, Indl).d1ngb\Jlt}Jtlimimdb:)~~(}'V'(lI.~~ <br />~orj~l98rriblir1g:S~~tn.wtliCtJ t'he:~zallOOdld r'(Jt andd~fI~ ~rYitt:5, snow femc:Nef, lawn ~IM-. E!fl!d21dCY, <br />I fklrl;iO:pcl:e. - , ::.: '-', "::. ' heat, seculi!)~ $6:W'lty ma:li':PriIlg, ~~or.19e,. 'Jtner 1,l:Jlldes oc <br />I . servfC85..dno:lnthccaseofbClro~r(l,tJoro,.Q;lmpenS300l)JcrCa6:1\ I <br />Q'i1lerlPnHubiti\:l",C . ',.'. "', '.',." , ~ho~~, ^,1yol;herexpti!J"tdjttJr5mad@by€l(H~r'9anjz:at.iofltl"::=.ti;) I <br />' .-:n~~rWilltrot:~~~-~:,'t!,~_dlaOon wtr;h n!di'ltt:d tQ" :~pH':mrsesmtl~ l)e ii1Pprwed))y the (Ii~"'!;f <br />i !>etPeQ:.~PrCvide, -fS'(l;fultrtb~,):9f~_~~~~prn€'11t t:heGamblin90'J~"DIBcero. Ren~p.)..yment:smaytl()tbe~tlet.::an <br />: ~nd~lces+'Jrll'\~eU'l:t"QfnttWi~:ror~plltposes.. irrlvir;2uaJ, ( <br />. .. . ".' , i <br /> <br />r ~~~I~,~~~~~:.~.f=~~d><<J '""" 1<'5< t '''nn tt.t tho I~. ~..,.","~ ~ tho toto. ."d 0":' i <br />-(il~'~mel".t ~~ the ~ iJfTO U1e ~lZatWP, ~ 15 no otto<< .l)9te~ent:: and "0: IJ/:fref tOJ1Si~ reqt;tre(.t 1).Qt\VQfl.-' the I <br />. p~j"J~ ~$ tv lilt l~t oambling ~M lMh~~!; l\'!lnoo ~ tt.e least' PJry (~~9Q!;; 1(\ U~ Je;:lS(' irYln he subrnltkd t!:l d'ljJ Camblin? I <br />I' Cor1b'o1 ~.ifld ct'~_I"O~" . ,prlC(.l:O""',',""',','",,t.~lldQt. O'tl:'IeC'l<lI'\~e -r'(' (.. 0.;' OqL, t.~lo) <br />Other.Tf;:rmsoOriC;l) ~"': ,..". '-,:. ..' I~~~~~~ <br />: _f'? M'~ filt}!;";,,. d'H<; "tIT CtJ"j"J ~a~b/llJl h,-"tL: <br /> <br />! r;:"io:(16'Sf~s"t 1-j'/~ f"'''1l06~('uhc_l/cj,,- bcf~7,tl:r/;cO' <br />1,x.1k' :d'",&~~J,? IJ-i{l'f.'!i ' 'L._~. a. ,/;<'/.:0'1 <br />f $~!~'jre ()r less~' , ~: " ", . ';,::::: ",:' ';" :: O..l~, r .s:t:"~tuJl! 'Jf or{,l"'~1:Rt1on ~rncl:;J ilo$see) o.;.!IjI' <br />"" IZolf'~" Z; ,(-.f~4rk.tO~,-"",- y- I \)a" Ch~v<J\,- Ga,"~hn..) !'!:l6JL I <br />, P.r.,l Tlljlme and rl~ ~ 1l;l''3Or -', - '. - t- P(jjllf!.:l,ne 3rn,1 tl~e of l~~~ <br />, , <br /> <br />Theor-;~nl.J:at'lOlt ~:;-a~ t()l;h!!: ~ltt<<!pre1'nisesdu~ <.:\)1- <br />time~"atlll;!andWhl!l"l ~r'ffcrU1e{t)nductdfawfl,.l! <br />9ambliog on thep1"lmli~, <br /> <br />lt$$OJ' ~~ r l1'l\": ~ ~hal[ lrreintain a rero;d Of o'Ilt ...o~ev <br />r~ rromtj'l!! ~ir;ilicnr !:loa tI'la~ lf1e reo::m:5 ?IltZlllatlJeto <br />tflf: eoard atJd It:; ~e.r"\tI:i~ a>d l1Je<::omml$to~ af$.l€n\lean'!$ <br />ptJbllr. ~etv end trIciregents l.lP\ln demand, The ~ s.heilf De <br />rriaintBined fOr a period of 2-1/1. years. <br /> <br />~(If)~ M ,thIia ~,~oiJI~ ',Wf,tIi.~.~~the.l.lcensmg: Soctlan :CJr tt1e GJlmo!hl!l CotItnll Bo:w\i (E:varC) at 6~~ 'G39~'fQC9, <br />TNs puI:tllOJI5,;,n-t(Ul be, ~,~. tN~",,~~~e fun'Mlt ~j. it lerge- prI[1t, Braille) ~Ofl. ~l.le-.o-t" If)lOU use a ny. )'00 c;;ilFl <br />call t'V: 50ard bY_"(4in'ii' ~ MJn~:~~ ~iclt !IfJjj ask ro pla~, a Ci!1l to ~in~S-3')-400Q, The 11'IfelT1Tabcn re-QL~ 00 I <br />tt.r~ f~ w,~ ~li,pl,t.~'~, .. ~Ql\:\\ti,'~t,~~~ tw the 6t;!;;rrd, ,)M will b~ lSCO to. d~rrnlnl!! Y~1lr com~jan-=e with ~ <br />~_ .,_!"~fl~~bJtti'~drtilfl:!;.'g~~tliv:rulg~l~ ;xtI\ritJli'$- .~ <br /> <br />. <br />