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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Even without the loss of eight spaces, Celestica already had less than the required 440 <br />parking spaces. They have indicated that there is inadequate parking on the site. To <br />compensate for the inadequate parking, Celestica has a private agreement to allow <br />employees to use approximately 20 parking spaces in an adjacent parkiug lot that is on <br />land under the same ownership as the Celestica building, <br /> <br />In order to resolve the parking issues, Celestica applied for a special use permit <br />amendment to increase parking on the site. Planning Case 01-12a and 01-12b was <br />approved to increase parking by 65 parking spaces for a total of 473 parking spaces. <br />However, since Celestica did not act on these approvals within the required timeframe, <br />these amendment approvals have expired. If the previously approved parking expansion <br />had been implemented, Celestica would have exceeded the parking requiremcnt by 25 <br />spaces for a total of 465 parking spaces (once the eight spaces for the air handling units <br />are removed). Celestica is requesting to maintain the current arrangement for off-site <br />parking. <br /> <br />As long as the off-site parking is meeting Celestica's and the tenants of the other <br />buildings needs, it is unlikely that allowing the current parking situation to continue <br />would have a detrimental affect on the property or neighborhood, Since there is a <br />contingency plan available to provide sufficient on-site parking should the off-site <br />parking arrangement end, staff does not belicve that the parking situation is a barrier to <br />installing the air handling units. However, in order to implement the contingency plan, <br />the applicants would be required to resubmit an application for a special use permit <br />amendment to reinstate the expired permits to expand parking, <br /> <br />3. Environmental Pollution - Noise <br /> <br />Section 6 Subd. G(5) states: <br />5. Environmental Pollution: Emission or creation of noise, odors, vibrations, dust, <br />smoke, heat and toxic or noxious fumes shall conform /0 such standards as are from <br />time to time established by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. None of these <br />shall be at a level that is objectionable to surrounding properties. <br /> <br />Based on the information submitted by the applicant, the air handlers will produce a <br />sound level of 73 decihels at 30 feet from the air handling unit. At this level, the air <br />handling unit does slightly exceed the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency limits of 65 <br />(L50) decibels and 70 (Ll 0) decibels. However, the property line is approximately 200 <br />feet to the west and 150 feet to the south of the proposed air handling units. At the <br />property line, it is unlikely that the sound from the air handlers would have any <br />noticeable impact on neighboring properties 311d would not exceed MPCA guidelines. <br /> <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting/or February J, 2006 <br /> <br />\\\ordenhillsIP!(tnningIPlanning Cases\2006\06-003 Ce/eSlicn SUP amendmenl\OJ /806 PC repOrl- CeleSlica SUP amcnfimenUloc <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />