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<br />Plannin!! Commission Recommendation <br /> <br />At their March 1, 2006, mceting, the Plaillling Commission reviewed Planning Case #06-008 and <br />voted unanimously to recommend approval of the special use pcrmit based on the following <br />thirtecn findings of fact: <br />I. The busincss will be owned and operated by the applicant, Karin Muska. The applicant <br />is a residcnt of the dwelling. <br />2. The applicant has indicated that thc home occupation will not need any additional <br />employees. <br />3. The proposed usc would occupy 12.5 percent of the floor area of the structure, which is <br />less than thc 33 percent maximum. <br />4. The applicant has indicated that thc therapy service would be by appointment only with <br />no more than one client at any given time. <br />5. Due to the limited numbcr of clients, the existing driveway offcrs sufficient off-street <br />parking. <br />6. The proposed use is unlikely to require product deliveries at any frequency greater than <br />once pcr day. <br />7. The proposed use is unlikely to affect traffic or parking conditions in the surrounding <br />area. <br />8. The proposed use will not produce any additional noise, glare, odors, vibration, smoke, <br />dust, air pollution, heat, liquid or solid waste, or any othcr nuisance characteristics. <br />9. The proposed use will not affect drainage. <br />10. The proposed use will not affect the permancnt population density of the neighborhood. <br />11. Thc proposed usc will not change the exterior of the existing structure; therefore, the use <br />should be compatible with existing uscs and structures in the surrounding properties. <br />12. The park dcdication fee does not apply. <br />13. The proposed use is in confonnancc with the requiremcnts of the Zoning Ordinance, the <br />Massage Therapy Ordinance, and does not conflict with the Comprehensive <br />Development Plan. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission recommends the following five conditions be included with the <br />approval: <br />l. Thc special usc permit shall not be transferable to other individuals. <br />2. Approval of the special use permit shall be contingent upon approval of the Massage <br />Therapy Establishment License and Massage Therapy License. <br />3. The applicant shall comply with Ordinance No. 356 of the Arden Hills City Code <br />regarding Massage Therapy Establishments and Massage Therapists. <br />4. The applicant shall comply with Section 6.B.3.c.(l) ofthe Zoning Ordinance that <br />regulates Class II Home Occupations. <br />5. Any changes to the structure shall requirc review and approval from the Building <br />Official. <br /> <br />IIMetro-inet.usl,ardenhll/sIPlanningIPlanning Cases\2006W6-008 Muska massage SUP (PENDING)W30206 _ CC <br />Report - Muska SUP. doc <br /> <br />Page 2 on <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />