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<br />. <br /> <br />proceeds from MVST must be legislatively appropriated for roads and transit. <br />Highway funding has a very strong constituency in the legislature and road <br />construction will get its fair share. While it's also true that MVST will only provide a <br />portion of the necessary transportation funding, ($300 million in additional funds <br />compared to a $1 billion need), it represents an important first step toward additional <br />funding. And finally, while dedicating MVST to transportation may leave a shortfall <br />in the general fund, MVST is a transportation related tax that should be dedicated to <br />transportation uses. <br /> <br />The AMM has taken a position, through its transportation policy committee and <br />board of directors, of supporting the proposed constitutional amendment as it is <br />currently drafted. It is acknowledged by transportation advocates and municipalities <br />alike that the current draft of the proposed amendment could have been done <br />differently, however drastic changes to the language at this late stage undermine the <br />ultimate passage of the amendment. <br /> <br />The AMM is aware of attempts to change the current language of the amendment <br />and/or defeat the current an1endment as it is proposed. Ibe AMM is encouraging <br />individual cities to pass resolutions supporting the passage of the constitutional <br />amendment. Funding for highways and transit is increasingly more diffIcult to secure <br />and a dedicated more stable source of funding must be sought. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Enelosed is a sample resolution that can be used as a starting point for individual city <br />resolutions. We are encouraging cities to pass the resolutions, return an adopted copy <br />and the resolutions will be used in AMM's legislative campaign to show legislators <br />that cities support the passage of the MVST amendment. If there are any questions or <br />concerns please feel to contact either Sarah Erickson at 651-215-4003 <br /> or Louis Jambois at 651-215-400110uis@ammI45.orgformore <br />information. <br /> <br />\..,Siz:;Q y;---\ <br />" .' <br />I " <br />\. .~-- <br /> <br />ouis J a~15ois <br />Executive Director <br /> <br />c.c. City AdministratorlManagers <br /> <br />. <br />