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CCP 03-13-2006
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CCP 03-13-2006
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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - February 27, 2006 <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />Mr. Lehnhoff stated he spoke with the City Attorney regarding Mr. Findcll's application. The . <br />City Attorney conculTed with Staff and the Planning Commission that the variance did not mcct <br />the legal criteria for a hardship. However, the City Attorney did indicate that it would be <br />difficult to make findings that the minor subdivision was not consistent with the character of the <br />neighborhood if the dwelling were in a confonning location, especially since the subdivision <br />does meet or exceed all ofthe requirements of the R-I Zone. <br /> <br />He indicated a letter was received from Mark Bohnenstingel and Patricia Murphy, 1394 Skilcs <br />Lane, of which each Councilmember received a copy. <br /> <br />Mr. Lchnhoff stated he spoke with the City Attorney regarding Mr. Findell's application. The <br />City Attorney concurred with Staff and the Planning Commission that the variance did not mect <br />the legal criteria for a hardship. However, the City Attorney did indicate that it would be <br />difficult to make findings that the minor subdivision was not consistent with the character of the <br />neighborhood if the dwclling were in a conforming location, especially since the subdivision <br />does meet or exceed all of the requirements of the R-I Zone <br /> <br />Gary Findell, 1742 Hartford Avenue, St. Paul, summarized his proposal for Council. He <br />indicated since the Planning Commission meeting, they have spoken with the neighbors <br />regarding their plans. He noted the neighbors wanted to save as many trecs as possible. Hc <br />stated if the trees were removed, it would decrease the property value, which he believed would <br />be a hardship. He stated they were willing to agree to replace trees that would need to be taken <br />out and to replace trees that might die as a result of construction. He indicated they would work . <br />with the neighbors as much as they could, but this was private property. <br /> <br />Coullcilmember Holden inquired on Lot 14 were there any mature oak trees. Mr. Findell <br />responded the trees shown were pine trees. He stated their intent was to live in the newly <br />constructcd home. <br /> <br />Councilmembcr Larson asked what information was being brought forward now that the <br />Planning Commission did not have at their meeting. Mr. Findcll replied they now had a graphic <br />illustration that showed the lots would be consistent in size with the remainder of the area; as <br />well as a number of acrials. <br /> <br />Mr, Lehnhoff noted the Commission was aware of the possible moving of the existing house, <br />but the Commission did not have the level of detail the Council has. <br /> <br />Councilmcmbcr Larson stated in reading through the materials, he agreed with the City <br />Attorney that it would be difficult to find a hardship to allow a variance based on saving trees <br />alone. He did think they should allow the minor subdivision, and deny the variance. He did not <br />believe trees were a reason to allow a variance and did not believe this had ever been done in the <br />past. <br /> <br />. <br />
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