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<br />LG215 Lease for Lawful Gambling Activity <br /> <br />8/05 <br />Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />i lease Term - The tern: of this lease agreement will be <br />concurrent with the premises permit issued by the Gambling <br />Control Board (Board). <br /> <br />Management of Gambling Prohibited. The owner of the <br />premises or the lessor will not manage the conduct of gambling <br />at the premises <br /> <br />Participation as Players Prohibited - The lessor, the lessor's <br />immediate family, and any ugents or gambling employees of the <br />lessol- wili not participate as players in the conduct of lawful <br />gambling on the premises. <br /> <br />Illegal Gambling <br />. . The lessor is aware of the prohibition against illegal gambling <br />in Minnesota Statutes 609.75, and the penalties for Illegal <br />gambling Violations in Minnesota Rules 7861.0050, Subpart 3. <br />In addition, the Board may authorize the organization to withhold <br />rent for a periud of up to 90 days if the Board determine-;; that <br />illegal gambling occurred on the premises and that the lessor or <br />its employees participated in the illegal gambling or knew of the <br />gamqling (me! did not take prompt actio[\ to stop the gambling. <br />Continued ter1eJrlcy of the organization is uuthorized without the <br />payment of rent during the time period determined by the Board <br />For violations of ttlis provision. <br /> <br />. To tre best of the lessor's knowledge, the lessor affirms thdt <br />any and 011 garnes or devices located on the premises dre not <br />being used, and are not capable of being used, in a manner <br />that violates the prohibitions against illegal gambling in <br />Minnesota Statutes 609.75, and the penalties for illegal <br />gambling violations in Minnesota Rules 7861.0050, Subpart 3. <br /> <br />Notvvithstanding Minnesota Rules 7861.0050, Subpart 3, an <br />organization must continue: making rent payments, pursuant <br />to the terms of the lease, if the organization or its agents arc <br />fOllnd to be solely responsible for any illegal gambHng conducted <br />at ttlat site that is prohibited by Minnesota Rules 7861.0050, <br />Subpart 1, or Minnesota Statutes 609.7S, unless the <br />organization's agents responsible for the illegai gambling <br />activity are also agents or erT'ployees ot the lessor. <br /> <br />.. The lessor shall not modify or terminate the lease in whole or <br />in part because the orgafllzation reported to a state or local <br />law enforcement i:luUlority or the Board the occurrence at the <br />site of illegal gambling activity in which the organization did not <br />participate. <br /> <br />Other Prohibitions <br />.. The les...sor will not impose restfictions on the organization with <br />respect to providers (distributors) of gambling-related equipment <br />and services or in the use of net profits for lawful purposes. <br /> <br />. The lessor, person residing in the same household as the lessor, <br />the lessor's immedIate family, and any agents or employees of the <br />iessor will not reqUire the orgarlizdtion to perform any act~on that <br />would violate statute or rule If there is a dispute as to whether <br />a violation of this proviSion occurred, the lease will remain in <br />effect pending a final determination by the Compliance Review <br />Group (CRG) of the Gambling Control Board. The lessor agrees <br />to arbitration when a violation of this provision is alleged. The <br />arbitrator shall be the CRG_ <br /> <br />. The lessor shall not modify or terminate this lease in whole or in <br />part due to the lessor's violation of the provisions listed in this <br />lease. <br /> <br />Access to permitted premises - The Board and its agents, the <br />commiSSioners of revenue and public safety and their agents, and <br />law enforcement personnel have access to the permitted premises <br />at any reasonable time during the business hours of the lessor. The <br />organization has access to the permitted premises during any time <br />reasonable d[\ci WhE;[l necessary for the conduc.1 of lav'iful gambling <br />on the premises <br /> <br />lessor records - [he lessor sholl maintain a record of all money <br />received from the organization, and make the record available to <br />the Board and Its agents, and the commissioners of revenue and <br />public safety and their agents upon demar1(1. The record shall be <br />maintained for a period of 3-1/2 years. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Rent all-inclusive - Amounts paid as rent by the orgarllzatlon to <br />the lessor are all-inclusive. No other services or expenses provided <br />or contracted by the lessor may be paid by the organization, <br />including but not limited to trash removal, janitorial and cleanIng <br />services, snow removal, lawn services, electricity, heat; security, <br />security monitoring, storage, other utilities or services, and in the <br />case of bar operations, cash shortages. Any other expenditures <br />made by an organization that is related to a leased premises must <br />be approved by the director of the Gambling Control Board. Rent <br />payments may not be made to an individual. <br /> <br />Acknowledgment of Lease Terms All obEgcltions and agreements are contained in or attached to this lease and are subject <br />to the approval of the director of the Gambling Control Board. I affirm Uldl tile Icase information is UI(' lotal and only agreement <br />bc:wlCtorl the lessor and the ol-ganiza:ion. There is no other agreement and no other consideration required bety.:een the parties as to <br />the lav...ful gambling 2nd other maLters related to :hc lease. Any changes in this lease will be submitted to the G(Jlnbling Control Board at <br />least 10 rlays prior to the effective Gate of the change_ If a renegotiated iease is made due to a chClnge In ownership, the new lease will <br />be submitted within 10 days after the new lessor has assumed ownership. <br />List or attach other terms or conditions (must be approved by director of Gambling Control Board) <br /> <br />,-..' . <br />.-'-'-_~ ~ ~~ . _..: ~L-& t-t.0_ __ ----j-- - -.;;...; -c k~___i~~f2_T-____;Z~:."";:I{(~:t~~.~":=. _ _______~~_, <br />S:gl18ture of lessor Date Slgnalun: 01 orgamlatlon eM-IClal (lessee) Dale <br />I'\,~', j <br />\, 'I j ,J :"." \ '"".-V;','.', 1'."",,0 "^', if ' - I <br />,____.:::__~,~0:..- l~l:ti)./ .;~. ~'----"-----'t~~ _ lC.I-;;':\ t-fv<;'r'CI1JL_-,f~~!f._~rJJ...f..t/(___ _t<'t.C:R_ <br />!='>rint name and title allessor Print rl8me 8nd tllle of lessee . <br /> <br />Questions on this fOI-m shOuld be directed to th<2 Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board (Board) at G51-639-4000. This publication <br />will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, Braiile) upon request. ]f you use (] TTY, you can c(]1I ttlC Board by using the <br />Minnesota Relay- Service and ask to place a call to 651-639-4000. The infOfITlcltiorl requested on thiS form will become public information <br />when received by the Board, dlld will be used to determine you I" compliance with o'VJinnesota st<!tutes and rulf's governing lawful gambling <br />activitIes. <br /> <br />. <br />