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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br />~~HILLS <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />September 7, 2006 AGENDA ITEM: 8B <br /> <br />TO: <br /> <br />Mayor and Council <br />Michelle Wolfe; City Administrator <br /> <br />Kristine Giga, Civil Engineer IW <br />Michelle Olson, Parks and Recrcation Manager 1'~E' <br /> <br />FROM: <br /> <br />SUBJECT: County Road E Sidewalk Discussion <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />At the August 21, 2006 City Council Work Session, the City Council rcquested staff to prcsent a <br />history of the County Road E Pcdestrian Sidewalk Improvements at tonight's mecting. A <br />number of options have been discussed at ncighborhood informational meetings and City <br />Council meetings over the past three years. The Parks and Trails Master Plan adopted in 2002 <br />indicated that expanding the trail network was a high priOlity. The County Road E bridge over <br />TH51 is considered a weak link in the system and poses a dangerous condition for pedestrian <br />traffic. Currently, very narrow walkways exist on both sides of the bridge, crcating potential <br />safety issues for pedestrians. On Octobcr l2, 2004, City Council passed Resolution 04-056 <br />requesting MnlDOT consideration of a cost sharing cooperative agrcement for pedestrian <br />improvements to the County Road E bridge over Trunk Highway 51. URS submitted a rcquest <br />to MnDOT to be considered for the 2006 cooperative agreement funding cycle. At the <br />November 15, 2004 Work Session, City Council was presented with additional inlcmnation <br />regarding the project. This information was presented to assist Council in making a decision on <br />which sidc of the road to put the sidewalk. The following items are included in your packet: <br /> <br />I. Feasibility report dated March, 2004 <br />2. Mcmo from Michelle Wolfe dated Novcmber 9,2004 that includes: <br />a. Pros and Cons of north side vs. south side <br />b. Traffic Engincering comments from Ramsey County <br />c. Accident Data from Ramscy County Sheriffs Department <br />d. Trallic Engineering Review by URS <br />3. Updated Cost Estimates for improvcments <br />4. Cooperative Agreemcnt Submittal dated October 15,2004 <br />5. Minutes from October 12,2004 Regular City Council Meeting <br />6. Minutes from November 15,2004 Work Session <br /> <br />\\\ardenl1i1ls\PR&PW\Parks\Mcmos\Mc1l10 to CC re - County Road E discussion 06-4.doc <br />