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CCP 09-11-2006
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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL -AUGUST 28, 2006 <br /> <br />Mike Aamoth, 3550 Ridgewood Road, stated he had received some information from the City <br />that was inaccurate and was not clear. He stated this was a problem and an inconvenience for the <br />residents. He recommended the construction company be more accurate. He asked if there was <br />any place he could go and look at the bids submitted for this project from the various construction <br />companies. Ms. Wolfe stated the bids were available at City Hall and ifhe left his name with the <br />City Engineer, they would be provided to him. <br /> <br />Mr. Aamoth asked if there was an assessment meeting in June. He noted initially he was told the <br />assessment was going to be around $7,000 and now it went up 45 percent. He stated he was <br />concerned the project had now been started and there was no assessment hearing. Ms. Giga <br />stated the feasibility report was done last August and there might have been a tentative schedule in <br />that rcport. <br /> <br />Ms. Wolfe stated initially they thought the assessment hearing would be held earlier than it ended <br />up being. She indicated in the feasibility study they estimated between $6,500 and $8,800 for the <br />assessment, but the bids came in higher than anticipated. <br /> <br />Mr. Aamoth stated it would be nice if there was better communication all around. Ms. Giga <br />stated they were distributing information as best they could, but the contractor's schedule often <br />changes hour by hour and not day by day. If the contractor conveys the information in a timely <br />manner the City will do their best to distribute the information. <br /> <br />Lisa Abraham, 3511 Siems Court, asked if everyone had received the letter she sent. She stated <br />if they were going to go back and consider lots in different areas, the Island Lake Beach Club also <br />had two separate areas, which were having their fees waived. She requested they look at this also. <br />She stated hcr assessment should be waived because of her driveway access. Ms. Wolfe stated <br />the basis for not assessing the Beach Club was because the parcels were not developable. <br /> <br />Ms. Abraham believed there was a value to the islands and it should probably be assessed <br />accordingly. <br /> <br />Jennie Michael, 3436 Siems Conrt asked how many units was the Beach Club. Ms. Giga <br />responded it was two parcels. <br /> <br />Ms, Michaels noted the parcels were huge and a lot of residents did not use the Beach Club and <br />therefore, they should not have to pay for that portion. She stated she was under the impression <br />the City was going to pick up the shortfall difference between the estimate and the bid. Ms. <br />Wolfe responded the City had increased their contribution to the project. <br /> <br />Tom Mulcahy, 3530 Siems Court, stated when he was working and a project catne in as much <br />over budget as this one did, they would ask who should be fired. He stated they needed an <br />explanation as to why the costs came in so high. He stated if they had a feasibility study in <br />August 2005 he believed they should rely on that feasibility study and why was the feasibility <br />study so inaccurate. He asked if the City just accepted the bids. Councilmember Larson noted <br />the City was subject to the market fluctuations at the time and in this instance that was what had <br />happened. He stated they had met with the contractor to corne up with some changes to reduce <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />-- <br />
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