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<br />parking agreemcnt between the owners of ] 300 Grey Fox, l260 Grey Fox, and J.J. Taylor <br />Distributing. <br /> <br />Recommendation <br /> <br />The Planning Commission reviewcd Planning Case 06-025 and unanimously recommends <br />approval of the Site Plan Review to add 36 new parking stalls based on the submitted plans and <br />the following eleven findings offaet. <br /> <br />On the Zoning Ordinance Lot Requirements: <br />]. The proposed modifications arc in confonnance with the lot requiremcnts in Section 5.F <br />of tbe Zoning Ordinance. <br /> <br />On the Parking Regulations: <br />2. The size and location of the proposed parking is in conformancc with Section 6.F of the <br />Zoning Ordinance. <br />3. The proposed parking stalls meet all required parking setbacks. <br />4. The applicant is providing 67 parking spaces on the property wherc at least 81 would be <br />rcquired based on building sizc. The applicant currently has a shared parking agreement <br />with 1260 Grey Fox Road, which is also occupied by J.J. Taylor Distributing. If <br />additional parking is needcd on the 1 300 Grcy Fox Road property, there is sufficicnt <br />space on the property for more parking. <br /> <br />On the Special Use Permit Evaluation Criteria: <br />5. The propos cd use will increase parking and make the property more conforming to the <br />Zoning Ordinance. Thc increase in parking will eliminate the need for on-street parking. <br />6. The proposed use will not produce any significant additional noisc, glare, odors, <br />vibration, smoke, dust, air pollution, heat, liquid or solid wastc, or any other nuisance <br />charactcristics. Therc may be temporary dust or odors during construction. <br />7. The proposed use is unlikely to significantly affect drainage. This proposal may need <br />Rice Creek Watershcd Approval. <br />8. The proposed usc will not affect the population density ofthe neighborhood. The <br />parking lot expansion is for cxisting employees. <br />9. The proposed exterior modifications to 1300 Grcy Fox Road will likely have a neutral or <br />positive impact on adjoining propel1ies. <br />lO. The park dedication fee does not apply to this project. <br />1 l. The proposed modifications are in conformance with the rcquirements of the Zoning <br />Ordinance. Thc proposed modifications are not in conflict with the Comprehcnsive <br />Dcvelopment Plan. <br /> <br />Recommended Conditions: <br /> <br />The Planning Commission and Staffrccommend that the approval be subject to thc following <br />eight conditions: <br /> <br />\ardenhiflsIPlanningll'io/J/linR ("rrscsI2006',06-025 A,HT [nc JJ Taylor Site Plan Review (PENDING) 1090606 _ CC Report AMT <br />luc sire plan review.doc <br /> <br />Page 2 of} <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />- <br />