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<br />Memo <br />City Council <br />2006 - Setting the Preliminary Levies <br />page 2 <br /> <br />revenues, and projected expenditures, which will help assess the need for additional levy. Staff <br />is committed to a fiscally conservative approach to the City's budget and tax levy. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Karth loake 1m rovement District S ecial Lev : <br />In 2003, the Council had approved a special levy for the Pumping Project to be charged to the <br />homeowners surrounding the lake. Based on the cost estimates provided in 2004, the Council <br />approved a levy for this project in an amount not to exceed $49,350. The Council had made a <br />decision to spread this levy over a period of three years. <br /> <br />In September 2004, the City received the final cost figures from Our Engineers in the amount of <br />$4l,348. The amount to be levied each year would be $]3,782.67. In 2004, the Council adopted <br />a levy for the first year. In 2005, the Council adopted the same levy for the second year. This <br />year, the Council needs to adopt a levy - year three and final year, for certification purposes. <br />The amount of special levy is $l3, 782.67. <br /> <br />Truth in Taxation Dates: <br />The Tmth in Taxation hearing dates are established as follows: <br /> <br />Monday, December 4, 2006 - 6:30p.m. _ Initial hearing date <br />Monday, December] 1,2006 - 6:30p.m. - Continuation hearing date <br /> <br />It is anticipated the Council will adopt the final payable 2007 levy and the 2007 Budget on <br />December 1 1, 2006. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION: <br />Staff requests the Council consider approving the fOllOWing: <br /> <br />1. Adopt Resolution 06-43 which establishes the preliminary operating levy for taxes <br />payable in 2007 in the amount of$2,675,l61 _ a 6% increase from 2006 levy. <br />2. Adopt Resolution 06-44 which establishes the preliminary levy for the Karth Lake <br />Improvement District for taxes payable 2007 in lhe amOunt of$l3,782.67 <br />3. Adopt Resolution 06-45 which establishes Truth in Taxation hearing dates for proposed <br />taxes payable in 2007. The dates established are December 4th and December 11, 2006. <br /> <br />. <br />