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<br />City Council Work Session Meeting <br />December 19,2005 <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />II. <br /> <br />Assessments-City staff recommends including the Beach Club Association as an <br />assessable entity and hold an assessment hearing following completion of the <br />construction project. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson requested that City staff research whether or not Beach Club <br />Associations have bcen assessed in the past. The City may have set a past precedent during other <br />reconstruction projects. <br /> <br />City Administrator Wolfe said that City staff will rcscarch this issue further and report back to <br />the City Council for further consideration. <br /> <br />I. Watennain Improvement-Staff recommends replacing all of the valves, hydrants, and <br />watermain along Arden Place. Additional watennain will only be replaced if <br />conditions warrant. <br />.I. Sanitary Sewer Improvements-Staff recommends replacing thc force main from Lift <br />Station #3 to Lift Station #7. <br />K. Stonn Drainage-Staff recommends pursuing an agreement with residents adjacent to <br />Lift Station #3 to incorporate a public pond and pursue an agreement with the Island <br />Beach Club to include ponding/infiltration in the wetland area along Ridgcwood Road. <br /> <br />Members of the City Council werc in agreement with these recommendations. <br /> <br />. Lift Station #7 Repair Agreement-In Coniunction with Presbyterian Homes <br /> <br />Operations and Maintcnance Director Tom Moore provided the City Council with somc <br />background information regarding the purposc of the Memorandum of Understanding between <br />the City and Presbyterian Homes. In 2004, the City upgraded Lift Station #7 with a submersible <br />pump system. Lift Station #7 primarily services Presbyterian Homes and a fcw homes along <br />Sandeen Road. In the past, City staff has spent a significant amount of time responding to <br />emergency callouts due to fabric materials being placed in the sanitary sewer system by residents <br />or employccs of Presbyterian Homes. In order to resolve this issuc, the City and Presbyterian <br />Homes installed two choppcr pumps. Presbyterian Homcs agreed to purchase the chopper <br />pumps and salvage somc of the existing pumps for future use by the City. <br /> <br />The Memorandum of Understanding fonnalizes the responsibilities of Presbytcrian Homes and <br />the City regarding the maintenance of Lift Station #7 and the pumping equipment. Presbyterian <br />Homes is responsible for purchasing the two pumps and all necessary spare parts. The City will <br />be responsible f(lr normal maintenance and operation of the lift station. In the future, <br />Presbyterian Homes will reimburse the City for replacing the choppcr pumps due to age and <br />nonnal wcar and tear. <br /> <br />Members of the City Council were in agreement with the Memorandum of Understanding and <br />requestcd that this item be placed on the agenda at the next City Council meeting. <br /> <br />. <br />