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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />AUGUST 29,2005 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmcmber Rem moved and Councilmember Larson seconded a <br />motion to approve the Consent Calendar and to authorize execution of all <br />necessary documents contained therein. The motion carried unanimously <br />(4-0). <br /> <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL <br /> <br />A. Represenlative Char Samuelson and Senator Satveer Chaundry <br /> <br />Representative Char Samuelson presented a 2005 Legislative Update. <br /> <br />Senator Satveer Chaundry summarized what had been accomplished in the 2005 Legislative <br />seSSIOn. <br /> <br />Couneilmember Larson suggested for they look at the possibility of drafting legislation to <br />determine if police/sheriff pursuit policies should be standardized. Senator Chaundry stated he <br />would be willing to attend any meeting the City had regarding this. <br /> <br />5. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> <br />A. <br /> <br />2006 Ridl!ewood Neil!hborhood PMP Publie Hearing <br /> <br />Mr. Brown stated the feasibility report was received by Council at the August 8, 2005 meeting and <br />outlincd the anticipated improvements, options, costs and funding associated with the 2006 PMP <br />project. Two general neighborhood meetings have been held to date as well as a meeting with the <br />Lake Johanna Beach Club and a meeting with Rice Creek Watershed and the Beach Club <br />leadership. The public hearing will allow residents to voice their opinions, raise concerns and ask <br />questions about the projcct in a formal setting. <br /> <br />Councilmembcr Larson asked for additional information as to where they were in discussions <br />with the landowner on the corner of Siems Court and Lake Johanna Boulevard. Mr. Brown <br />replied they had met with a representative of the owner as well as Rice Creek and the comments at <br />the time were they would like the pond to happen, but they alluded to they might have something <br />immincnt. He indicated he would approach them again. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson requested Mr. Brown to pursue this further. He asked what the <br />condition of the sub-base and base on Ridgewood was. lIe inquired as to how long that road <br />would hold up. Mr. Bl'Own responded Ridgewood was overlaid, but be did not believe it had <br />been rebuilt. He stated he did not have anything to show what the sub-base was, but he believed it <br />was probably fairly heavy clay. He indicated it was still in good surface condition. He believed it <br />would remain in good condition for another decade with a reasonable amount of serviceability. <br />Hc statcd the only concern he had with Ridgewood was possible drainage issucs that had been <br />