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CCP 03-20-2006
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CCP 03-20-2006
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />AUGUST 29, 2005 <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />completely against the roundabouts. She stated she was under thc impression that buying into the <br />neighborhood that she was automatically a member of the Beach Club. <br /> <br />Tom Ostby, 3517 Siems Court, stated he would be materially affected by the changes to the <br />retaining waIL He indicated he would like to see the street continue to go through and they have <br />been maintaining it, not the City. He did not believe an easement agreement would be necessary. <br />He stated he wanted more information with respect to the vegetation on the hill and the retaining <br />wall look. He stated he was willing to compromise and would like to meet with the City <br />Enginccr. He stated he wanted to keep the right-of-way open because they owned two lots and <br />believed his property value would be affected if the right-of-way were closed. <br /> <br />Steve Erickson, 3442 Siems Court, stated he was in favor of a 4" surmountable curb. He agreed <br />a surmountable curb would lead to a less structured appearance. He stated he had done an <br />informal poll and several of the surrounding cities and neighborhood residential areas had <br />surmountable curb. He indicated he was not in support of the roundabouts and did not believe <br />there was enough traffic to warrant them, but rcquested the City take an aggressive stance on <br />roundabouts and adding them on Old Snelling. With respect to drainage, hc did want to see more <br />information as to what was being proposed, ineluding the design. He stated he believed the <br />membership ofthc Beach Club was 50-55 residents, which was 10-12 under the assessed number <br />of homcs. He also noted thcrc were some Snelling A venue residents that were also mcmbers, <br />approximately 3-4, that would need to also be taken into consideration when the assessment was <br />put together. He requested more information as to how the water main decision was going to be <br />madc. Mr. Brown responded in the past they replaced the mechanical parts of the system and if <br />they found a main that was in poor condition, it was replaced, but in this case, they would first <br />start with the budget <br /> <br />Mr. Erickson stated he was not in favor of sidewalks and there was not enough traffic to justifY <br />them. He askcd about the construction on lift station 4 and the fill being placed in there, as well <br />as the trees being removed. Mr. Brown replied with respect to fill, there should not be any <br />sizable change when it was done, but temporarily there were spoil piles which would bc graded <br />down whcn the old lift station was removcd. With respect to the trees, where the force main carne <br />out, some trees necded to be removed, and would not be replanted ovcr the main. He stated they <br />would attempt to provide screening though. <br /> <br />Mr. Erickson noted he had volunteered to be the Beach Club's liaison. <br /> <br />Bill Henry, 3520 Ridgewood Court, Beach Club Secretary, stated they had a Beach Club <br />meeting and there was a genera] enthusiasm for the storm water nmoff project and using the <br />Beach Club marsh as some part of that, but questions were raised as to the compcnsation to the <br />Beach Club. He stated they did not want roundabouts and they wanted to preserve as many trees <br />as possible. He stated in genera] he believed everyone was looking favorably toward this. <br /> <br />Steve Nelson, 3475 Siems Court, pointed out there was a 2-inch overlay placed on Siems Court a <br />few years ago which raiscd the elevation up. He asked them to take that into considcration when <br />
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