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<br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />equal to or greater than the adjacent area. No brush, chips, stumps, <br />etc., shall be used as filler in such holes. No holes are to be left <br />open overnight. <br /> <br />d. <br /> <br />The Contractor will sprcad grass seed on all disturbed soil areas. <br />The grass seed will be provided by the tree Contractor. <br /> <br />e. <br /> <br />If, in the event the Operations and Maintenance Department deems <br />it impractical and/or unnecessary to remove the stump, it may <br />direct the Contractor to debark the stump to a point two inches (2") <br />above ground level. <br /> <br />4. Tree Measurement <br /> <br />Trees will be measured at 4 feet off ground level. Those trees forking below the 4 <br />foot mark will be measured directly below the union and can be considered one <br />tree. <br /> <br />5. Delay Penalty <br /> <br />If the removal work is not completed within the given deadline of 20 days; 30 <br />days for stumps, (allowing for cxcusable delays), a sum of $25.00 per day per list <br />may be deducted from the payment. <br /> <br />G. <br /> <br />Protection and Restoration of Property <br /> <br />The Contractor shall not enter upon private property without having previously <br />obtained permission from the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for the <br />preservation of, and shall use every precaution to prevent damage to all trees, <br />shrubbery, plants, lawns, fences, culverts, bridges, driveways, sidewalks, etc.; all <br />water, sewer, gas lines; all conduits; all overhead pole lines or appurtenance <br />thereof; and all other public or private property along or adjacent to the work. Any <br />adjacent shrubs, trees or other growth receiving or sustaining breakage, injury or <br />other damage during the removal project shall be given remedial or corrective <br />treatment, and cleanup. <br /> <br />The Contractor shall notify the proper representative of any public utility <br />corporation and company or individual, not less than fortv-eight (48) hours in <br />advance of any work which might damage or interfere with the operation of their or <br />his/her property along or adjacent to the work. Gopher State One Call telephone <br />number 1-800-252-1166. <br /> <br />The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages or injury to property of any <br />character resulting from any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct in the manner or <br />method of executing the work, or due to non-execution of the work, or at any time <br />due to defective work or materials. <br />