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<br />Economic Development Plan <br /> <br />7 February 2006 <br />Page 3 0117 <br /> <br />. Project Description <br /> <br />Development Services Company (DeSCo) proposes a six-phase project in the <br />development of an economic development plan for the City of Arden Hills: Community <br />Analysis, Competitive Analysis, Citizen Input, Consensus, Marketing Plan and <br />Support. <br /> <br />Six Phases <br />I. Community Analysis - What are the issues and answers for Arden Hills? <br />II. Competitive Analysis - How do we stack up against our peers? <br />III. Citizen Input - How can we obtain input from as many people as possible to <br />make sure that their voices are heard? <br />IV. Consensus - What do we agree is the best course of action in this situation? <br />V. Marketing Plan - How do we sell our assets off? <br />VI. Support - DeSCo is always only a phone call away. <br /> <br />Phase - I Community Analvsis <br /> <br />Project Initiation Phase <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Task 1.1 Research. DeSCo will initiate this engagement with a review of all studies <br />conducted (that may apply to an economic development plan) for Arden Hills during <br />the past five years. The purpose of this effort is two-fold: <br /> <br />. Bring DeSCo personnel up to speed with work already completed in Arden <br />Hills. <br />. Prepare DeSCo for personal meetings with City project personnel. <br /> <br />Information shared during Task 1 will be loaned to DeSCo and returned to the City at <br />the end of the project. <br /> <br />Task 1.2 Project Kick-off Meeting. In this task, we will meet with the City to review <br />the scope of services, answer questions, develop the schedule of meetings, collect <br />additional information, and to formalize the project work plan. <br /> <br />Task 1.3. Key Leader Interviews 1. As part of this task we will identify, through your <br />help, up to 10 individuals who should be interviewed as part of the assignment and <br />prepare a schedule for conducting phone interviews with those individuals <br />recommended by the steering committee. The purpose of these interviews will be to <br />generate an opinion from key leaders in with regard to determining the economic <br /> <br />, We recommend that this list at people be the 10 most influential people in Arden Hills. These ten mayor may not <br />. be people of tille as many power brokers work most effectively from behind the scenes. <br /> <br />ConfIdential and Personal for the Cily of Arden Hills <br />Publlc circulation or unauthorized reproduction of UllS document is expressly prohlbllc(t <br /> <br />OeSCo. 831 E. Lincolnway, Valparaiso, IN 46383 . wwwdescoso!ulionscom . 219.548.9999 <br />