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CCP 04-10-2006
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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 27, 2006 <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />He indicated Waste Management has submitted a proposal to switch from the current two stream <br />commingled system to a single sort system. Under the single sort system, all recyclable materials <br />arc placed into one 64-gallon container that is picked up every two weeks instead of each week <br />under the current system. The container would be provided by Waste Management as part of the <br />eontraet. Under the single sort system, the cost per household per month would be $2.26; <br />however, due to rising fuel costs, the new contract would also include a fuel surcharge. The fuel <br />surcharge is based on the cost of fuel and, according to Waste Management, averaged eight <br />percent in 2005. To offset the costs of the containers, Waste Management would request a five- <br />year contract with the single sort system. <br /> <br />Staff recommended requesting a formal proposal and a sample contract for the single sort <br />recycling program. From brief discussions with staff in other communities that have <br />implemented the single sort system, we had only heard very positive comments regarding the <br />single sort system. The single sort system tends to be easier for residents, has increased the <br />amount of materials recyclcd, and, with fewer pickups each month, has resulted in less truck <br />traffic on residential streets. <br /> <br />Jennefer K1ennert, \Vaste Management, summarized the Waste Management Single Sort <br />Recycling program. <br /> <br />COllncilmember Holden stated she did not understand if they switched to every other week <br />recycling, why they were being charged a fuel surcharge. Ms. K1ennert stated their fuel costs <br />have doubled and the way the contract was written now, the contract could not increase. It was <br />their intent to charge a fuel surcharge so they did not have to foot the entire cost of fuel. <br /> <br />COllncilmember Grant inquired about a five-year contract. He stated it seemed to make sense <br />that if they were going to award a five-year contract, they should look at the competition to see <br />what they were offering also. Ms. Klennert stated they were bringing this to the City as an <br />option, but they were willing to continue the contract, which has two years remaining. She noted <br />the five-year contract request would not be on top of the existing contract. She stated they were <br />requesting five-years from the date ofthe new contract. <br /> <br />COllncilmember Grant stated he was concerncd about the cost of the program. <br /> <br />COllncilmember Larson agreed and stated he was not comfortable going forward with this <br />without putting it out to bid. He noted it appeared they would be doing double sort until 2008 <br />when the current contract expired. Ms. K1ennert stated they would not waut to lose the contract, <br />so if Council wanted to wait to obtain bids in 2008, they will be a bidder. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski requested staff continue to research this and come back to Council at a <br />future work session. COllllcilmember Larsoll statcd he was comfortable not going forward at <br />this time if they did not have a competitive bidding process. He recommended they wait until the <br />end of the current contract and go out for bids. <br /> <br />. Mayor ApIikowski stated this would not preclude staff from collccting information. <br />
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