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<br />attached garages encroaching on the front setback, existing porches, or other . <br />extensions or projections not deemed part of the principal structure. <br /> <br />(b) A Covercd Porch on a principal stmcture that is set back fifty (50) feet or more <br />from the front lot line shall be set back at least forty (40) foot front lot line. <br /> <br />(c) No Covered Porch shall be constmcted closer than twenty (20) feet to the front lot <br />line without review and approval through the variance process. <br /> <br />(d) Required steps per the International Building Code shall be excluded when <br />calculating the dimensions of the Covered Porch. <br /> <br />2. For vacant lots where a principal stmcture is constmcted after May 1,2006, the Covered <br />Porch shall not be closer than 30 feet to the front lot line or the side yard corner. <br /> <br />3. For already developed lots on which a new principal stmcture is developed after May I, <br />2006, and the new principal stmcture cxceeds the footprint of the original structure, the <br />Covered Porch shall not be closcr than 30 feet to the front lot line or side yard corner. <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />For already developed lots on which a new principal stmcture is develop cd after May I, <br />2006, and the new principal stmcture does not exceed the footprint of the original <br />structure, the Covered Porch may be set back from the front lot line and side yard comer <br />a distancc as caleulated in Section 6.C.2.d.(I). <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />5. <br /> <br />Building Permits shall be required before the construction of a Covered Porch. The <br />Community Developmcnt Director or Development Director's designee must make the <br />following findings prior to the approval of a building permit for a Covered Porch: <br /> <br />(a) The Covered Porch shall comply with the front and side yard corner setbacks <br />determined by Scction 6.C.2.d.(I), Section 6.C.2.d.(2), Section 6.C.2.d.(3), or <br />Section 6.C.2.d.( 4). <br /> <br />(b) The Covered Porch shall comply with all other aspects of the underlying zone, <br />including the side yard interior setbacks and impervious coverage limits. <br /> <br />(c) The design of the Covcred Porch shall comply with the Covered Front Porch <br />Design Guidelines in the Zoning Ordinance Procedure Manual. <br /> <br />(d) The exterior materials of the proposed Covered Porch shall be consistent or <br />complementary in color, tcxture, and quality with those visible at the front of the <br />principal stmcture; <br /> <br />(e) The roof of the proposed Covered Porch shall be properly proportioned to and <br />integrated with the roof of the principal stmcture and have no less than a 3/12 <br />slope; <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />. <br />