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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Existinl!: Covered Front Porch Ordinance <br /> <br />Section 6(C)2(d), Covered Porches for Sinl!le-Familv Detached Dwellinl!s. <br /> <br />I. In required single-family residential front yard setbacks, covered porches attached to the <br />principal structure may extend no more than 10 feet into thc rcquired front setback; <br />provided that; the porch is no closer than 30 feet from the front lot line (excluding <br />required steps per the International Residential Code), the porch complies with the side <br />yard interior setbacks, the design of the porch is consistent with the City's Porch Design <br />Guidelines, and the porch has been approved by the Community Development Director <br />or Development Director's designee. The Community Development Director or <br />Development Director's designee must make tlle following findings to approve a porch <br />encroachment of up to 10 feet: <br /> <br />(a) The exterior materials of the proposed porch arc consistent or complementary in <br />color, texture, and quality with those visible at the front of the dwelling; <br /> <br />(b) The roof ofthe proposed porch is properly proportioned to and integrated with the <br />roof of the dwelling and has no less than a 3/12 slope; <br /> <br />(c) <br /> <br />The base of the porch is not open; the base shall be either a masonry perimeter <br />foundation (note: frost footings will be required for a building permit), or be <br />screened by a solid fascia consistent with the front of the home or lattice with <br />openings no largcr than 2 inches x 2 inches and painted to be consistent with the <br />front of the home. <br /> <br />(d) At least sixty five (65) percent of the exposed porch fayade (excluding the <br />foundation) is open or occupied by screens and/or screen doors; and the fayade <br />constitutes the area from the floor level of the porch to the porch ceiling; up to <br />thirty five (35) percent of the fayade may be solid and may only be occupied by <br />columns, spindles, and railings; solid walls (even partial) are prohibited. <br /> <br />( e) Building Pern1its shall be required before construction can begin. <br /> <br />2. In required single-family residential side-yard corner setbacks, covered porches attached <br />to the front of a principal building facing the side yard corner sctbaek may extend no <br />more than ten (10) feet into the required side-yard corner sctback, provided that; the <br />porch is no closer than thirty (30) feet from the side-yard corner lot line (excluding <br />rcquired stcps per the International Residential Code), that the design of the porch is <br />consistent with the City's Porch Design Guidelines, and the porch has approved by the <br />Community Development Director or Development Director's designee. The <br />Community Development Dircctor or Development Dircetor's designee must make the <br />findings requircd by Section 6.C.2.d.l, letters (a)-(e) as listcd above in order to approve a <br />porch encroachment of up to ten (10) feet. <br />