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<br />At Hazelnut Park the following observations were obscrvcd. <br />· Siding on the east side is badly deteriorated. Sheathing beneath has bcen cxposed. <br />. Roof appears to be in an OK condition. Some snow rcmained on roof at time of <br />inspection. Should be reinspected. <br />. No apparent structural damage. <br />. Some areas of the soffit and fascia had some damage. <br />. The interior ceiling had numerous holes punched through the ceiling material. <br />· Thc flooring material was loose and pulliug up from the floor. <br />.:. At a minimum the following rcpairs should be done. <br />. Replace siding on thc cast side of the building. <br />. Repair; rcplacc siding as needed through out the rest ofthe structure. <br />. Remove some cciling material to inspect attic area. Remove any rotted wood or <br />insulation damaged by rodents, moisturc. <br />· Rccover ceiling material with 'i2" plywood. Fasten with screws. <br />. Secure existing flooring to floor joists and recover entire floor with 'i2" treated plywood. <br /> <br />Summary <br />It should be noted that the above recommendations are to address immediate concerns. The <br />buildings are generally in poor condition and will need additional repairs in the near future. The <br />odor issue at Freeway Park may not be resolved with a sealant. Health issues may also be of <br />concern. <br /> <br />\ \\ardenhills\PR&PW\Recreation\MEMOS\ Warming House inspection <br />report06.DOC <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />