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<br />. <br /> <br /> <br />City of Arden Hills <br />April 14, 2006 <br />Page Three <br /> <br /> Adjusting Journal Entries .JE # 5 Debit Credit <br /> to record alp from December PERA set up against cash <br /> 101-00000-10100 Gen Cash & lnvestments $ 4,628,00 <br /> 101-00000-21741 PERA Withholding $ 4,628,00 <br /> Total $ 4,628.00 $ 4,628,00 <br /> Adjusting Journal Entries JE # 10 <br /> to reallocate interest revenue based on average monthly cash balance <br /> 10 1-00000-1 0 100 Gen Cash & Investments $ 4.472.00 <br /> 225-00000-36210 Interest Income 164,00 <br /> 227-00000-10100 Geo Cash & Investments 536.00 <br /> 228-00000-10100 Gcn Cash & Investments 152.00 <br /> 229-00000-10100 Geo Cash & Investments 857,00 <br /> 230-00000-10100 Gell Ca"h & Investments 282.00 <br /> 325-00000- 36210 Investment Interest Income 2,504.00 <br /> 408-00000-10 I 00 Gen Cash & Investments 36.00 <br /> 409-00000-10100 Gen Cash & Investments 1,061.00 <br /> 4] 1-00000-10100 Gen Cash & Investments 99.00 <br /> 4] 2-00000-1 0 100 Gen Cash & Investments 354,00 <br />. 501-00000-36210 Interest Income 17,021.00 <br />601-00000-36210 Interest Income 193,00 <br />602-00000-10100 Gen Cash & Investments 3,851.00 <br /> 603-00000-10100 Gen Cash & Investments 72.00 <br /> 604-00000-36210 Interest Income 524,00 <br /> 70 1 ~OOOOO~ 1 0 1 00 Gen Cash & Investments 26.00 <br /> 702-00000-10100 Gen Cash & Investments 280.00 <br /> 704-00000-10 I 00 Gen Cash & Investments 8,179,00 <br /> 705-00000-10100 Gen Cash & Investments ]49.00 <br /> 10 1-00000-3621 0 Interest Income $ 4,472.00 <br /> 225-00000-10100 Gen Cash & Investments 164,00 <br /> 227-00000-36210 Interest Income 536.00 <br /> 228-00000-36210 Interest Income 152,00 <br /> 229-00000-36210 Interest Income 857,00 <br /> 230-00000-36210 Interest Income 282,00 <br /> 325-00000-10100 Gen Cash & Investments 2,504,00 <br /> 408-00000-36210 Interest Income 36,00 <br /> 409-00000-36210 Interest Income 1,061.00 <br /> 4] 1-00000-36210 Interest Income 99,00 <br /> 4]2-00000-36210 Interest Income 354,00 <br /> 501-00000-10100 Gen Cash & Investments 17,021.00 <br /> 601-00000-10 100 Gen Cash & Investments 193,00 <br /> 602-00000-36210 Interest Income 3,851.00 <br /> 603-00000-36210 Interest Income 72.00 <br /> 604-00000-10 I 00 Gen Cash & Investments 524.00 <br /> 701-00000-36210 Interest Income 26,00 <br /> 702-00000-36210 Investment Interest Eamings 280,00 <br />. 704-00000-362] 0 Investment Interest Eamings 8,179.00 <br />705 -00000- 3621 0 Interest Income 149.00 <br />Total $ 40,812.00 $ 40,812,00 <br /> %2.83;).9090 . Fax 952.8,%.32(Jl <br /> www.aemcpa::i.r.;mn <br />