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<br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS, MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31 <br /> <br />Note 3: DET All..ED NOTES ON ALL FUNDS - CONTINUED <br /> <br />E. Long-term Debt . . . .D~'.. ... R A VT <br /> <br /> <br />General Obhgatwn Bonds. The CIty Issues general obli!j'n onUs tll1'toVlad)fl, :cqU1'Sltmn ani:! <br /> <br />construction of major capital facilities. General obligation bonds have been issued for governmental activities. <br />I .. . I <br /> <br />General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The following bonds were issned to refund genera] obligation tax increment bonds, which were initially issued for <br />redevelopment projects. The additional tax increments resulting from increased tax capaciry of the redeveloped <br />properties will be used to retire related debt. <br /> <br /> Authorized Interest Issue Maturity Balance at <br />Description and Issued Rate Date Date Year End <br />G.O. Tax Increment <br />Refunding <br />Bonds, Series 2004A $ 2,395,000 3.0 - 3.5 % 11/04/04 02/01/15 $ 2,395.000 <br /> <br />Annual requirement to maturity for long-term liabilities is as follows: <br /> <br />Year Ending <br />December 31, <br /> <br />Governmental Activities <br />G.O. Tax Increment Bonds <br />Principal Interest Total <br /> <br />Total <br /> <br />$ 190,000 <br /> 215,000 <br /> 220,000 <br /> 225,000 <br /> 235,000 <br /> 1,310,000 <br />$ 2.395.000 <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />72,250 $ 262,250 . <br />66,175 281,175 <br />59,650 279,650 <br />52,975 277,975 <br />46,075 281,075 <br />112,417 1,422,417 <br />409.542 $ 2.804.542 <br /> <br />2006 <br />2007 <br />2008 <br />2009 <br />2010 <br />2011 - 2015 <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />Changes in Long-tenn Liabilities <br /> <br />Long-term liability activity for the year ended December 31,2005 was as follows: <br /> <br /> Beginning Ending Due Within <br /> Balance Additions Reductions Balance One Year <br />$ 4,940,000 $ $ (2,545,000) $ 2,395,000 $ 190,000 <br /> 93,157 60,064 (69.868) 83,353 62,515 <br />$ 5,033.157 $ 60.064 $ (2.614.868) $ 2,478.353 $ 252.515 <br /> <br />Governmental activities <br />G. O. tax increment <br />bonds <br />Compensated absences <br />payable <br /> <br />Total governmental <br />activities <br /> <br />Business-type activities <br />Compensated absences <br />payable <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />52.812 <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />46.927 <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />(39.609) <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />60.130 <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />45.09. <br /> <br />-35- <br />