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<br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />rRJtified Puhlir AcroUTltaTlls & umsulumls <br /> <br />.~~ <br /> <br />---.-.=-= <br /> <br />Grandview Square <br />5201 Eden Avenue <br />Suite 370 <br />Edina, M N 55436 <br /> <br />REPORT ON INTERc"iAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING <br />BASED ON AN AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br /> <br />Honorable Mayor and Council <br />City of f\.rden Hills, Minnesota <br /> <br />We have audited the financial statements of the major funds and remaining fund information oftbe City of Arden Hil1s, Minnesota <br />(the City\ as of and for the year ended December 31,2005 which collectively comprise the City's basic [mancial statements and <br />have issued our report thereon dated April 14, 2006. \Ve conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally <br />accepted in the United States of America <br /> <br />. In planning and perfonning our audit, we considered the City's internal control over fInancial reporting in order to determine our <br />auditing procedures for the pmpose of expressing our opinion on the frnancial statements and not to provide an opinion on the <br />intelnal control over fmancial reporting. However, we noted certain matters involving the internal control over fmancial reporting <br />and its operation that we consider to be reportable conditions, reported as finding 2005-1 in the Schedule of Findings. Reportable <br />conditions. involve matlers coming to Oill attention relating to significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal <br />control over financial reporting that, in OUT judgment, could adversely affect the City's ability to record, process, summarize and <br />report fInancial data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statements. <br /> <br />A material weakness is a condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components does Dot <br />reduce to a relatively low level the risk that misstatements in amo1Ults that would be material in relation to the financial statements <br />being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing their <br />assigned functions. Our consideration of the internal control over financial repOltllg would not necessarily disclose all matters in <br />tbe internal control that might be reportable conditions and, accordingly, would not necessarily disclose all reportable conditions <br />that are also considered to be material weaknesses. However, we believe the reportable condition described above is not a <br />material weakness. <br /> <br />This report is intended solely for the information and use of the C01Ulcil, management, others within the City and the Minnesota <br />Office of the State Auditor and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. <br /> <br />April 14, 2006 <br />Minneapolis, Minnesota <br /> <br />ABDO, E1CK & MEYERS, LLP <br />Certified Public Accountants <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />-56- <br /> <br />952.835.9090 . bx 9S2.835-.326J <br /> <br />..........-w.,h', <br />