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<br />CITY OF ARDEN IillLS, MlNl\,'ESOT A <br />NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 3 J,-2Jl <br /> <br />Note 1: <br /> <br />:':::::::::NmCANT Mem"nNG 'OU'llESn, ,~R A ~ T <br /> <br /> <br />The CIty of Arden Hills, Minnesota (the CIty), operates def'fti Opfinna(Wm!~overnment a ,defIned <br />in the State of Minnesota statutes_ Under this plan, the g:vernment of the City is directed by a Council confoscd of <br />an elected Mayor and four elected Council members_ Th~""",,~th(}Iily~es all <br />matters of pollcy_ The Council appoints personnel responsible for the proper administration of all affairs relating to <br />the City, The City has considered all potential units for which it is financially accountable, and other organizations <br />for which the nature and significance of thell- relationship l,\ritb the CIty afe such that exclusion would cause the <br />City's fIrumcial statements to be misleading or incomplete, The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) <br />has set forth criteria to be considered in determining financial accOlll1tability. These criteria include appointing a <br />voting majority of an organization's governing body, and (1) the ability of the primary government to impose its will <br />on that organization or (2) the potential for the organization to provide specific benefits to, or impose specific <br />fInancial burdens on the primary goverm11cnt. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Blended component units, although legally separate entities, arc) in substance, part of the City's operations and so <br />data from these units are combined with data of the City. The blended component unit has a December 31 year end. <br />The City has the following component unit <br /> <br />Blended Component Unit <br /> <br />The Economic Development Authority (EDA) ofthe City was created pursuant to Minnesota statutes 469_090 <br />through 469.108 to carry out economic and industrial development and redevelopment consistent with policies <br />established by the Council, It is comprised of the members of the City Council. The EDA activities are blended and <br />reported in a separate special revenue fund. Separate financial statements are not issued for this component unit. <br /> <br />B. Government-wide and Fund Financial Statements- <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The government-wide [mancial statements (i.e., the statement of net assets and tbe statement of changes in net assets) <br />report infODYi3tlon cn all of the nonfiduciary activities oft'h,e City Oind ~ts corrrponent unit. For the most part, tbe <br />effect of interfund activlty has been removed from these statements_ Governmental activities, which normally are <br />supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues, are reported separately from business-type activities, which rely <br />to a significant extent on fees and charges for support. Likewise, the primary government is reported separately <br />from certain legally separate component units for which the City is financially accountable. <br /> <br />The statement of activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of a given function or segment are <br />offset by program revenues_ Direct expenses are those that are clearly identifiable with a specific function or <br />segment. Program revenues include 1) cbarges to customers or applicants wbo pUTchase, use, or directly benefit <br />from goods, services, or privileges provided by a given function or segment and 2) grants and contributions that are <br />restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function or segment. Taxes and other <br />item,> not properly included among program revenues are reported instead as general revenues. <br /> <br />Separate fmandal statements are provided for governmental funds and proprietaIy funds. Major individual <br />governmental funds and major individual enterprise funds are reported as separate cohmms in the fund [mandaI <br />statements. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />-23- <br />