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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />May 15,2006 <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />elP Discussion <br />Civil Engineer Kris Giga provided the City Council with of an overview of the GoodPointe <br />Technologies report, Ms. Giga also provided the City Council with an overview of the following <br />slreet maintenance practices and proccdurcs: <br /> <br />Seal Coat-A seal coat is one of many types of surface treatment used in street maintenance. A <br />seal cmt is an application of asphalt emulsion followed immediately with an aggregate cover. <br />Seal coat can waterproof the surface, provide low severity crack sealing, and restore surface <br />metion, Seal coaling can be perfonned at any time during the life of pavement and lasts an <br />avcrage of three to six years, <br /> <br />The prim<lry purpose of seal coating a street is to protect the street fTOm deterioration caused by <br />sun and water. A seal coat provides a waterproof membrane that keeps the pavement from <br />becoming brittle and cracking. <br /> <br />Mill and Overlay-There are several maintenance practices that involve milling. An edge mill <br />typically consists of grinding the old bituminous surface along the outer eight feet of the street. <br />This helps establish a unitann cross-section, especially in instances where the crown in the street <br />is relaLvely flat. A full width mill or resurfacing is necessary when the upper surface layer of a <br />pavement has deteriorated considerably, <br /> <br />A full depth milJ can be used on a street that has already been reconstructed with a good base <br />section, but the pavement has deteriorated to a point where seal coating or a standard mill and <br />overlay is not cffective, A pavement section with significant cracking will end up reflecting <br />through thc new pavcmcnt. The full depth of the pavement is ground up and removed. This <br />process may also involve some sub grade soil corrections and some removal of aggregate base, if <br />it has been contaminated or is sub-standard. The street is paved with the same thickness of new <br />asphalt. <br /> <br />Reconstruction- When a street is fnlly reconstructed, the existing asphalt and base are completely <br />removed and replaced, Reconstruction may also involve sub-grade soil corrections, For streets <br />lhat do not meet current design standards for width, curb and gutter, and drainage, an upgrade <br />may be necessary, <br /> <br />Based upon the City's previous five year capital improvement program, GoodPointe <br />Technologics provided the City with four financial analyses using the following scenarios: <br /> <br />Scenario I-The City would spend $1 million dollars per year on street improvements over the <br />next twenty years. The existing five year CIP has been incorporated into the first five years of <br />the model. Over the next twenty years, the average PCI would increase from 64 to 77. <br /> <br />Sccnario 2- The City would try to maintain a PCI rating of 64 and project the level of funding <br />over the next twenty years to maintain this rating, The streets are selected by the program for <br />maintenance on an as needed basis, The results of this scenario indicate that approximately <br />$14,5 million will need to be budgeted for pavement management over the next 20 years. <br />