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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNlNG COMMISSION ~ JUNE 7, 2006 - DRAFT <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />A. <br /> <br />PLANNING CASE #06-017 - SITE PLAN REVIEW; LEONARD GALLUS: 1104 <br />AMBLE DRIVE <br /> <br />Mr. Lehnhoff stated the applicaJ1t is rcquesting a sitc plaJ1 review to construct a six-foot <br />high fence in the front yard along Lexington Avenue and near the corner of Lexington <br />Avenue and Amble Drive. Staff recommended approval based on the following <br />conditions: <br /> <br />1. The project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted. Any <br />significant changes to these plans, as detem1ined by the City Planner, shall <br />requirc review and approval by the Plmming Commission, <br />2. The applicant shall keep the fcnce maintaincd and promptly repaired if any <br />damage occurs to the fence, including graffiti. <br />3. Thc applicant shall maintain the vegetation on the Lcxington Avenue side of the <br />fence, <br />4. The applicaJ1t shalllocatc the utilities near the proposed fence before the fence <br />permit is issued, Thc applicant shall comply with any setbacks set by the utility <br />company, <br />S. The fence shall not encroach on the public right-of-way. The lot lincs shall be <br />located prior to the issuance of the fence permit. <br />6. Thc fence shall not infringe on thc lines of site for Lexington A venue aJ1d <br />Amble Drive. The fcnce permit shall be subject to approval by Ramscy County <br />to ensure that the lines of site are protected. <br /> <br />Mr. Lehnoff stated staff had not received any letters, cmails, or telephone call from <br />properly owners or occupants in regard to this planning casc, However, site plml reviews <br />are not public hearings and do not require public notice, <br /> <br />Len Gallus, 1104 Amble Drive, applicant, stated he was going to put in at least one <br />juniper, as well as lower landscaping along the fence. He stated he did not want anything <br />tall on the comer to allow appropriate site lines. Mr. Lehnhoff noted Mr. Gallus would <br />not be allowed to put plantings within the public right-of-way. <br /> <br />Commissioner Larson asked if the site triaJ1gle was protected at this location, Mr. <br />Lehnhoff responded under City Code it met aJ1d exceeded the sight triangle, but they <br />were still waiting for a review from Rmnsey County, <br /> <br />Chair Sand asked if this proposed fcnce would be in line with the fence to the north. Mr. <br />Lehnhoff responded it would approximately align to the other fences, <br /> <br />Mr. Gallus stated his neighbor to the north was also intending on putting in a fence, but <br />he was not sure if he had applied for a pemlit yet. He indicated the main reason he <br />wantcd a fence was for privacy and noise reduction. He believed he could make this <br />fence look attractive and the grass would be irrigated on both sides of the fence, <br /> <br />Commissioner McClung moved, seconded by Commissioner Larson, to recommend <br />approval of Planning Casc No, 06-017, Leonard Gallus, 1104 Amble Drive, Site Plan <br />subject to the six conditions as outlined in staff s May 22, 2006 report. <br /> <br />The motion carried unanimously (6-0), <br />