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<br />. <br /> <br />.-,. <br />\y!~, <br />I\'~); <br />l'"'y.:;':) <br />(5i~.__~ <br />t.~\'"'l <br />.~>, <br />""""lI <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JUNE 7, 2006 - DRAFT <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />B. <br /> <br />PLANNING CASE #06-018 - SITE PLAN REVIEW; 1212 LLC; 1212 RED FOX <br />ROAD <br /> <br />Mr. Lehnhoff stated thc applicaJ1t is requesting a Site Plm Review to modify the exterior <br />of the existing building at 1212 Red Fox Road in the B-4 Zone. Staff recommended <br />approval ofthe Site PIaJ1 subject to thc following four conditions: <br /> <br />I, The project shall bc completed in accordaJ1ce with the plans submitted. Any <br />significant chaJ1ges to these plaJ1s, as determined by thc City Planner, shall require <br />review and approval by the PlaJlliing Commission. <br />2. The applicant shall obtain the necessary building permits before beginning any <br />modifications to the exterior of the structure. <br />3. Signage shall comply with the Sign Code, Signage shall not be installed without an <br />approvcd sign permit. <br />4. Lighting shall conform to the requirements in Section 6,E.3 of the Zoning <br />Ordinances. Lighting shall be directed away from adjacent properties, hooded, and <br />not cast light that exceeds a meter reading of one foot candle on the travel lancs of <br />adjoining public streets or 4 foot candlcs on adjoining residential properties, <br /> <br />Mr. Lehnoff noted staff had not rcceived aJ1Y letters, e-mails, or telephone calls from <br />property owners or occupmlts in regard to this plaJlliing case. However, site plan reviews <br />did not require a public hearing or public notice. <br /> <br />Commissioncr McClung expressed concern that there was only a single rcndering of what <br />the building would look like and asked about laJ1dscaping. Mr. Lehnoff noted only the <br />front ofthe building, which faces east, and the north side ofthc building is proposed to be <br />changed. The norlh side of the huilding would have the smne upgraded fayade as the <br />front of the building, Thc south and west sides would be repainted and new windows <br />installed. Commissioner Larson inquired about thc proposed lighting. Mr. Lehnhoff <br />responded with respect to the lighting, they were not proposing any significant <br />expaJ1sions aJ1d the landscaping would also simply be replaced aJ1d not addcd to. Since <br />the lighting would not be significantly changed, staff had not requested a photometric <br />plan in this case. <br /> <br />Jeffrey Anderson, architect representing applicant, summarized the typcs of windows <br />they were proposing to use on the building, He noted they were incrcasing the window <br />area on the building. He summarized the outside materials proposed to be used on the <br />building. He indicated the building would be stucco on the entire east and north side with <br />precast concrete base and ncw brick installed at the entrances to visually define the <br />entrance point to the building, He noted on the north side of the building the windows <br />would not bc changed with thc only change being the entry ways. <br /> <br />Chair Sand asked if therc was any stone on the elevation. Mr. Anderson responded stone <br />would be used at the base of the entraJ1ces. He indicated the brick would be used on the <br />columns to the center cntrance and on the face of the main entraJ1ce. He stated there <br />would also be windows added on the south and west side similar to the windows being <br />added on the east side. <br /> <br />r1;,-r~~ l\~\__ ~~. T <br />.,.4 " ''"'' i'"1. r it <br />