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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - JUNE 12,2006 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />. It was not always clear to whom the equipment belongs: To a specific city or cities, to the . <br />Fire Department, or to a combination of both? <br />. Because it was not clear who the equipment belongs to, it was not clear who should keep <br />proceeds from a sale, <br />. This system does not acknowledge the reality that while a piece of equipment may be <br />housed in a certain station, the reality is that all equipment was available to respond to <br />calls in all three cities, and they are used in all three cities. <br /> <br />Under the new fODllula, the following advantages would result: <br /> <br />. Capital expenditures would be more "even" over time and large peaks could be <br />avoided, allowing for easier financial plalming and budgeting. <br />. All equipment would clearly be assets of the LJFD and its member cities based on a <br />clear financing formula. <br />. Tbis would acknowledge that all LJFD equipment is used in all three member cities, <br />. The funding fommla would be consistent, easy to understand, and easy to explain. <br /> <br />She requested Council provide direction to staff and the LJFD liaison regarding capital <br />equipment financing. The LJFD Board of Directors would meet again in July and would be <br />discussing the proposal. Council direction was needed as to whether or not the City would <br />support this proposed change, so that can be communicated to the Board. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson stated it did not make sense to try and divide up the capital investment . <br />among the Fire Department like they did in the past. He indicated the Fire Department served all <br />of the Cities and he looked at this as a positive development and believed it would make things a <br />lot easier in the future in deteDllining what each Cities share was. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked what would happen if one City was not willing to contribute to a <br />piece of eqnipment, or did not have the resources to pay their share. Chief Boehlke, responded <br />that happened under the old fnnding plan. He noted when that occurred, they put off the <br />purchase until a future date. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson responded the Board tried to operate by consensus, which was a good <br />thing. A representative of the Fire Department stated their equipment needs did not change <br />much and they knew years in advance when equipment would need to be replaced. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson noted at some point the cities would have to pay Shoreview back some <br />money because they had purchased the largest share of equipment. He indicated one way to do <br />that was when the next truck was purchased, the City of Arden Hills and the City of North Oaks <br />would pay a larger share than the City of Shoreview. He stated then the trucks would be owned <br />by all three Cities as a whole and the only thing that was left were the buildings. <br /> <br />Couneilmember Holden stated she objected to the fonllula and to paying back to Shoreview for <br />purchases made in the past. Couneilmember Larson stated Council had discussed and voted on . <br />the fommla for the operating budget and when they weighted all of the factors, there was very <br />