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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />supplemental water through facilities or mains which transmit water purcbased limn tbe Board <br /> <br />shall be subject to tbe approval ofthc Board, which approval sha!! not bc arbiharily withheld. <br /> <br />ARTICLE S <br /> <br />SECTION S.Ol <br /> <br />Connections Beyond Corporate Limits of City <br /> <br />Except as provided in Articlc 8, water extensions heyond RosevilJe city limits into olher <br /> <br />municipalities, or the conveyance, sale or resale of the Board's water to any person or entity <br /> <br />located outside of Rosevillc's city limits, shall only be made with the Board's Plior written <br /> <br />approval, which approval shall not bc arbitrarily withheld, provided tbat the Board's approval <br /> <br />may be conditional on the other municipality agreeing to ten11S and conditions similar to those <br /> <br />contained in this Agreement. <br /> <br />The parties agree that the Board reserves the right to reqnest permission to provide ils <br /> <br />oWn water extensions tbrough and beyond RosevilIe city limits and to provide a direct supply of <br /> <br />water to other cOllununities Of customers on its OWTI. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 6 <br /> <br />SECTION 6.01 <br /> <br />Rates <br /> <br />A Tbe rate for water sold by the Board to RosevilIe under this Agreement ("Rate") shall <br /> <br />be 71.0% of the lowest seasonal rate per one hundred (100) cubic feet charged to <br /> <br />retail water consumers in tbe City of Saint Paul If the Board modifies it.s rate structure <br /> <br />in any \vay that varies from solely a consUl;nptlon bas-is, either on its own accord or at <br /> <br />the requirement of other govcrrunental entities, both parties agTec that tbe Rate will be <br /> <br />adjusted to a "new rate." This "new rate" sball not harm Rosevillc by increasing <br /> <br />Roseville's overal1 cost or harm the Board by decreasing tbe Boards overall revcnuc <br /> <br />under the contract <br /> <br />c <br />