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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br />EN HILLS <br /> <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />July 26, 2006 <br /> <br />AGENDA ITEM <br /> <br />7.(; <br /> <br />TO: <br /> <br />Mayor and City Council <br />Michelle Wolfe, Citv Administrator <br /> <br />Kristine Giga, Civil 'Engineer ~ <br /> <br />FROM: <br /> <br />SUBJECT: <br /> <br />2006 PMP Ridgewood Neighhorhood Improvements- Change Order #2 <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br /> <br />Constmction for the 2006 PMP improvement project has begun. Residents have continued to express <br />concerns regarding the preservation of trees and the overall integrity of the neighborhood. \Ve have been <br />responding to these conccms by making some adjustments to the proposed utility work on the plans. <br />shifting alignments where possible to avoid additional tree removal. \\lith the re-visions, most trees of <br />concen1 can be protected. However, the contractor has expressed a concel11 about the revisions, <br />particularly at the Siems Court and Arden Place inlcrsection. Thc proposed stonn sewer is extremely deep <br />in this intersection. When installed, the depth or the stonn sewer will expose many of the existing utilities <br />in the intersection, including the watcnnain. Given the age and material of the pjpe, the contractor is <br />concerned about h<iving ''-live': watermain exposed \vhile their cre\\'s are working UndefTleath il. The <br />contractor is proposing to provide temporary water service to 15 homes in the Siems Court cuI de sac <br />\vhile the intersection work is completed, this would enable them to shut off the watem13in providing a <br />safer \vork environment for the crew installing the storm se\ver. The contractor has quoted a price for this <br />work, howevcr, we feel the price is high, and plan to discuss the cost in an attcmpt to lowcr it. At the time <br />of this packet, we were not able 10 come to an agreement on the price. The next Council meeting is not <br />until the end of August. Since this project is under constnlction, a three week delay in the approval of a <br />change order Inay cause other price increases. As a result, staff is requesting Council approve the change <br />ordcr for a not to exceed amouut of $15,000 to provide tlexibility of negotiating with the contractor. <br /> <br />FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS <br /> <br />The amount of the change order, not expected to cxcced $ I 5,000, would be charged to the Water Fund. <br /> <br />CONCLUSION <br /> <br />Staff recornrnends a motion to approve Change Order it2 for the 2006 PMP proJcct, not to exceed <br />$15,000 <br /> <br />\MC"1ro-im'1,US",<lldenhills'PR&P\V',Enginc-(-,on!::,'2006\Council Acl1nns'-.7-26-06 l'vluJlo 2006 PMP Clmngt' Order luoe <br />