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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JULY 12.2006 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />A. <br /> <br />PLANNING CASE 06-019: SPECIAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT AND SITE <br />PLAN RIWIEW, CEI~ESTICA; 4300 ROUND LAKE ROAD <br /> <br />Mr. Lehnhoff stated the applicants were requesting a Special Use Permit (SUP) <br />Amcndment and Site Plan Revicw to Planning Case No. 06-019 to install a second <br />12,000 gallon nitrogcn tank. Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: <br /> <br />I. The applicant shall continuc to abidc by thc conditions of approval listed in <br />Special Use Permit #96-12, 97-23, 00-40, 01-08, 02-33, 06-003, and any other <br />approved pcrmits. (Pem1its 01-12a and 01-12b have expired and do not apply.) <br />2. Thc applicant shall be required to obtain all neccssary building permits before <br />construction begins. <br />3. The fencing around thc additional nitrogen tank shall be installed as proposed <br />immediately after installation of the nitrogcn tank. <br /> <br />Commissioner McClung asked if the Fire Marshal had reviewed this application for thc <br />hazardous material that would bc added to the site. Mr. Lehnhoff responded thcy had <br />not, but if there was a concern, the Fire Marshal could look at this prior to the Council <br />mccting. <br /> <br />Chair Sand opened the public hcaring at 7:07 p.m. <br /> <br />Chair Sand invited anyone for or against the request to comc lorward and make <br />comment. <br /> <br />There wcrc no public comments. <br /> <br />Chair Sand closed thc public hearing at 7:08 p.m. <br /> <br />Commissioner Thompson noted in thc conditions they indicated the fencing around the <br />tank should be installed immediately afler installation. She asked if there was a <br />definition of immediate. Mr. Lchnhoff responded the fence would nccd to be put in <br />within a couple of days, but if the Commissioner wanted to elarify thc time frame in the <br />conditions, they could do that. <br /> <br />Commissioncr Larson moved, seconded by Commissioner Modescttc to recommend <br />approval of Planning Case No. 06-019 Special Use Permit (SUP) Amendment and Site <br />Plan, subjcct to the three conditions as noted in staffs Junc 29, 2006, report and adding a <br />fourth condition to read: Thc SUP Amendment and Site Plan shall be reviewed by the <br />Fire Marshal for his approval and/or recommendation. <br /> <br />The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />./.:Itt~a <br />