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<br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - JULY 12,2006 <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />~ <br />l.4, <br />~ <br />ft! <br /> <br />-..", <br /> <br />Chair Sand noted there werc no conditions with respect to the retaining wall. He asked if . <br />they needed to address it. Me. Lehnhoff responded this could bc added as a condition. <br />He suggcsted the following language: Applicant shall submit a signed agreement with <br />the property owner regarding the retaining wall plan. <br /> <br />Phil Littlefield stated the retaining walls in the central part of the property would be <br />removcd. He stated onc of the things that would make sense would be to take the garages <br />out and see the conditions of thc wall and what needs to be replaced, which Me. Gilbert <br />was in agreement with. Hc stated they were happy to work with Me. Gilbert. <br /> <br />Commissioner Larson asked if he would agree to occupancy of new structure subject to <br />approval of the grading. Mr. Littlefield responded they would be in agreement with such <br />a condition. <br /> <br />Commissioner Modesette asked how the maintenance on the drainagc pond would get <br />handled in the future. Mr. LehnhofCresponded it would rcquire a maintenance agreement <br />filed with the final plat. He indicated that Rice Creek Watershed maintains those types of <br />agreements. <br /> <br />Mr. Paul Chrervey, Pioneer Engineering, statcd Rice Creek Watershed does have a <br />maintenance agreement that would get filed with the County as a part of thcir approval <br />and they would share this with the City once it was approved. I-Ie notcd they had <br />previously made a submittal to Ramsey County regarding the driveway issue and had <br />been informed that they did not object to the two driveways. Hc believed it would be <br />better to have two separate driveways for this proposed development. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Chair Sand asked if thev were lookin<, at a shared drivew3v or not. He asked the <br />..I . - "---0 ' . .- - "..; <br />applicant to speak about this. Mr. Littlefield stated they would be willing to withdraw <br />their application for thc variance for the sbared driveway. The variance application is <br />witbdrawn. <br /> <br />Chair Sand closed the public hcaring at 7:49 p.m. <br /> <br />Commissioncr McClung thanked the applicant for talking to his neighbors and addressing <br />their concerns and he believed this was a vastly improved plan. <br /> <br />Chair Sand also thanked the applicant for working on this with thc ncighbors. <br /> <br />Commissioner Modesettc stated shc would abstain from voting because shc had a <br />conflict. <br /> <br />Commissioner McClung stated he would like a condition with respect to the retaining <br />waIL <br /> <br />Commissioner Larson stated the grading was the only issue he had a concern with as well <br />as the ncxt door neighbor and hc believed review by the City Enginecr of the drainage . <br />