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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />SECTION IX <br /> <br />Connection Cltarl!c <br /> <br />A) Roseville shall nmlcc no charge for capital eosts as hcrctoforc statcd, but f,rden Hills shall <br />pay to Rosoville all reaslJnable-e*penses incurred by Roseville by reason of this Contract <br />and preparing for water service to /\rden Hills, ',ihieh SUHl has been abreed to he S7,500. <br />Arden Hills shall pay this amount within thirty days of this contract <br /> <br />SECTION IX <br /> <br />Arden Hills Water Svstem Which is not Subiect to the Master Mcters <br /> <br />A) It is anticipated that some residents of Arden Hills will receive water service directly from <br />Rosevillc without going through the master meters of Arden Hills. Each of these <br />customers shall have a meter supplied by Arden Hills and said meter shall be maintained <br />and read by Roseville pcrsonnel. <br /> <br />B) Roseville shall then calculate the water usage of each customer and add this amount to that <br />on the master meters. <br /> <br />C) All costs of maintaining, installing, and reading of these meters shall be paid by Arden <br />Hills to Roseville and added to the bills rendered to Arden Hills pursuant to Section VI. <br /> <br />D) Ardcn Hills shall not draw water out of any firc hydrants in Arden Hills which hydrants are <br />on that part of the Arden Hills water system which does not go through the master meter of <br />Arden Hills except on the following basis: <br /> <br />1) For fire fighting purposes <br /> <br />2) For flushing the Arden Hills watcr systcm <br /> <br />3) Until pernlission is obtained [rom Roseville and Roseville shall grant permission <br />only when tbe water draw-off is metered <br /> <br />SECTION X <br /> <br />RC2ulations <br /> <br />A) It is agreed by and between the parties that Exhibit "Af:" contains a series of rcgulations <br />which are required to be imposed upon Arden Hills pursuant to this contract. Arden Hills <br />also agrees to be bound by all those regulations as set f011h in Exhibit "Af:". <br /> <br />B) Ardcn Hills agrees to do no act which will jcopardize Roseville's contractual relationship <br />with SL Paul and to take all rcasonable affirmative acts to protect Roseville's contractual <br />rights with St. Paul. <br /> <br />C) Arden Hills agrees to adopt any reasonable ordinance requested by Roseville to protect the <br />water facilities and water in Arden Hills. <br /> <br />D) Arden Hills will not sell any water to any other municipality without first receIVIng <br />permission from Roseville. <br /> <br />E) ,'\.rden Hills agrees that it will in no event sell water for a leS5---iliTIount than sold by <br />Rosevillcto its retail eBstomors <br /> <br />5 <br />