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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> <br />DATE: 04/11/05 <br /> <br />ITEM: <br /> <br />Department Approval: <br /> <br />Manager Reviewed: <br /> <br />Agenda Section: <br /> <br />Item Description: Approve a Wholesale Water Purchase Agreement with St. Paul Regional <br />Water Services <br /> <br />Background: Our wholcsale water contract with St. Paul Regional Water Services expired in <br />May of2004. The City has purchased wholesale watcr from SPR WS sincc 1962 when our water <br />distribution system was constructed. Roseville supplies wholesale water to the City of Arden <br />Hills pursuant to an agreement with them. <br /> <br />The City began preparation for negotiation of a ncw wholesale water contract in 200 I by <br />studying altcrnatives to our existing agreement at that time. This study compared several long- <br />tcrm options and their effect on water rates. These options included the City developing their <br />own watcr source, a proposed new wholesale contract with SPR WS, and the City becoming a <br />retail customer of SPRWS. The outcome of the study suggest cd the best options were a new <br />wholesale contract or dcvcloping OLlr own water source. The Council directed staff to pursue a <br />new wholesale contract in 2002. After numcrous discussions and scvcral itcrations of contract <br />language, we are bringing a proposed contract to the Council for review and approval. <br /> <br />Discussion: Staff and City Attorneys for both parties have reviewed the proposed contact. After <br />approval by the Roseville City Council, thc proposcd contract will bc forwarded to the Board of <br />Water Commissioners of the City ofSt. Paul for review and approval. <br /> <br />SPRWS's initial rate proposal for wholesale watcr was 74.5% of the retail rate paid by St. Paul <br />residents. Our expired contract resulted in an average rate of68% - 69% of the St. Paul <br />residential rate. Thc key provisions of the proposed contract are: (see attached copy) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Wholcsale water rate to Roseville will be 71 % of the lowest seasonal rate charged to <br />retail customcrs ofSPRWS. <br />Term of agreement is 20 years. <br />Assurance of water quality that meets state and federal drinking water standards. <br />Quantity of water snpplied will mcet Roscvillc's needs in the foreseeable future <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Financial Implications: The City budgets annually for purchase of approximately two billion <br />gallons of potable water. Water ratcs have been adjusted upwards each of the past two years in <br />anticipation of a new wholesale water contract. The rates in effect today will cover the increased <br />rate for wholesalc water per the proposed contract. Future Roseville wholesale water purchases <br />will be based on 71 % of the lowest seasonal rctail ratc in effect in St. Paul at that timc. <br />