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<br />. <br /> <br />D. Roscville furtber agrees thai the use of I3oanl,,[urnished water in Roseville shall at all <br /> <br />times bc governed by the applicable rules, regulations and requircrnenls which the <br /> <br />Board or City of Saint Paul has heretolore adopted or which may hereaHer be adopted <br /> <br />from time to time for the preservation, regulation and protection of the Hoard's \-vater <br /> <br />supply. Roseville also agrees to adopt the rules, regulations and requirements of the <br /> <br />Board Or Ciiy of Saint Paul now in force or that may hereafter he adopted, in <br /> <br />cOlmcction with tbe use of water in Roseville, and to enact such rulcs, regnlations and <br /> <br />requirements into ordinances or otherwise make them legally effective and binding, <br /> <br />and to enact any amendments thereto adopted by the Goard or the City of Saint Paui <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />within thirty (30) days aHcr being notified of such adoption, and to adopt suitable <br /> <br />penalties for the violation of any such rules, regulations and reqnirements and to <br /> <br />strictly cnforce such rules, regulations and requirements, This section, however, shall <br /> <br />be limitcd only to what use the water could be put to by Roseville's customers and in <br /> <br />no way gives thc Board the right to dictate mles of operation for rhe Rosevilte water <br /> <br />system. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 3 <br /> <br />SECTION 3.01 <br /> <br />Water System Facilities <br /> <br />A_ The Board shall make investment in, constmct, maintain. llnancc, opcrate, repaIr. <br /> <br />replace and retain title to all facilities necessary lor the supply, metering, prnducliun, <br /> <br />storage and transmission of water 10 the Point of DelivCTY of wholesale vvater to <br /> <br />Rosevilk All such [acilities of tbe Board sball comply with and conionn to the <br /> <br />relevant Mimlesota State Health Dcpartment and other applicable health or safety <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />requirements_ <br />