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<br />. <br /> <br />Section 3. Bond Terms, Execution and Delivery. <br /> <br />3.01 The bonds issued Qereunder shall be designated Improve- <br />ment Bonds, Series 2, dated January 1, 1972, shall be issued in <br />the denomination of $5,000 each, numbered serially from 1 to 244, <br />inclusive, shall mature serially on January l,in the respective <br />years and amounts stated below, and shall bear interest from date <br />of issue until paid o'~ duly called for redemption at the respec- <br />tive annual rates sta',ted opposite their matur~ty years: <br /> <br /> Interest Interest <br />Year Amount Rate Year Amount Rate <br />1973 $60,000 4.;60'l' 1983 $60,000 S.l~ <br />1974 60,000 4~oO 1984 60,000 5.20 <br />1975 60,000 4.60 1985 60,000 5.25 <br />1976 60,000 4.60 1986 60,000 5.30 <br />1977 60,000 4.60 1987 60,000 5.30 <br />1978 60,000 4.(,0 1988 60,000 5.35 <br />1979 60,000 4.70 1989 65,000 5.35 <br />1980 60,000 4.80 ,1990 65,000 5.40 <br />1981 60,000 4.90 1991 65,000 5.40 <br />1982 60,000 5.00 1992 65,000 5.40 <br /> <br />3.02 The intere~t on the bonds shall be.payable July 1, 1972, <br />and semiannually thereafter on January 1 and'July 1 in each year. <br />The pJ;'incioal, of and' interest on the bonds shall be payable at the <br />Amel:.lcan Nat.lonaJ.. Bani\. So TrUllt Company <br />in st. Paul , Minnesota, which is designated as paying agent, o~ <br />in the event of its resignation, removal or ~ncapability of acting <br />as paying agent, at the office of such successor paying agent as <br />may be appointed by 'the Village, and the Village agrees to pay the <br />reasonable and customary charges of the paying agent for this ser- <br />vice. ' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />3.03 The bonds 'maturing in the years 1973 to 1980, inclusive, <br />shall not be subject to redemption before maturity, but those ma- <br />turing in the years.1981 to 1992, inclusive. shall each be subject <br />to redemption and prepayment at the option of the Village on Janu- <br />ary 1, 1980, and on"any interest payment date thereafter, in in- <br />verse order of their serial numbers, at a price of par plus accrued <br />interest to the red~mptiondate. Not less than thirty days before <br />the date specified for redemption of any ofithe bonds, notice stat- <br />ing the amount and serial designation and numbers of the bonds to <br />be redeemed shall be published in a daily or weekly periodical <br />published in a Minnesota city of the first class or its metropoli- <br />tan area, which cinculates throughout the State and furnishes <br />financial news as a part of its service, and shall be mailed to <br />the holders, if known, and to the bank at which principal and in- <br />terest are then pa~able, but published notice shall be effective <br /> <br />-7- <br />