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<br />'~.d3. <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> <br />VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT - Case No. 71-37 <br /> <br />The undersigned Clerk Administrator of the Vi Ilage of Arden <br /> <br />Hills d,oes hereby certify that this Special Use Permit is granted <br /> <br /> <br />pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 99 of Arden Hi lis in <br /> <br />accordance with a public hearing duly held by the Planning Commis- <br /> <br />-. <br /> <br />sion on November 4, 1971, and subsequent approval thereof by the <br /> <br />Arden Hi lis Counci I on November 8, 1971. <br /> <br />Permission is accordingly given for construction of a four- <br /> <br />story motel addition to McGuire's restaurant at 1201 West County <br /> <br />Road E in the Vi Ilage of Arden Hi II s upon the parce I of I and des- <br /> <br />cribed as follows, to-wit: <br /> <br />The East 650 feet of the West 900 feet of the <br />SE ~ of the SE ~, Sec. 27, T. 30, R. 23, South <br />of Rai Iroad Right-of-Way, Ramsey County. <br /> <br />That portion of the S. t of the SE ~ of the <br />SE ~ of Sec. 27, 1. 30, R. 23 lying between <br />the N'ly right-of-Way limits of U. S. Highway <br />No. 10 and the S'ly right~of-way limits of the <br />Minneapolis-St. Paul & Saulte Ste Marie Rail- <br />way Company right-of-way, excepting therefrom <br />the W' Iy 900 feet thereof. <br /> <br />This permit is issued subject to al I the requirements and <br /> <br />conditions set forth in said Ordinance 99 and subject to the addi- <br /> <br />tional special conditions to-wit: <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />I. Access drives onto County Road E be limited <br />to three; Highway Department approval be <br />obtained. <br />2. Compliance with Engineer Lund's recommenda- <br />t ions to i nsta II a sump to catch the d i atom- <br />aceous earth in the backwash swimming pool <br />water; backwashing to be scheduled during off- <br />peak waste flow periods. <br />3. A landscape plan be submitted for approval. <br />4. The motel be limited to four stories in height. <br />5. Complete building plans of the four-story struc- <br />ture be submitted, drawn to scale, for approval. <br />6. Fire ~~arshal's approval of the four-story <br />bui Iding plans. <br />7. Drainage plans be submitted for approval by the <br />Vi Ilage Engineer. <br />8. No sign approval is given at this time. <br /> <br />Dated at Arden Hi lis, Minnesota this cfdday Of~197L. <br /> <br />VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> <br />By' f~s<,::~o .~ <br /> <br />Clerk Administrator <br />