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<br />. ' <br /> <br /> <br />Village Council ~inutas <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br />Nov. ~9. 1~1F <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />li <br /> <br />~ltcrv Se\<lGr Cape14::ltles <br /> <br />A roport from En91~eer lund, d19ted NovElllll>>elr 18, U"f, was r.1I1..,.d,;' <br />\11'1'11 tile Council. Therillpoi"1' concernod 5811&1' eapa~li'V neoded for <br />n@lII VlllliI9G d!!tv0IofJiDl!@l1lh. pl'.lI"'l'IcMI~ri'l' tile proposed R,lIIinbow "lctls <br />Ad!!Ii'lon and tlllll proposr:ld Ar~ill~ MalloI' "obi Ie HOi'ilI3 project. ' gill".' h <br />llIillll ~o! I iltlllHli'st fa".." 1,.<1 '1'1\51' lllil ",ehi"i'i!ld nor, .....01"'1' to Il...,~. Q9.'~t.ey <br />j!",.. a,li!I "pi..IOII i'.1Jarlih~ fllllilll'ihg. Tile rillporl' IfllS tabl.dpen.'IIO <br />fo.lrthsr 'Councll shlly. ' <br /> <br />Gld~o COllstr~ctlon Co. Clal. <br />- ~ , <br /> <br /> <br />ihs Council authorized pw,\,~ont of the Gldeo'cleilll,ln the amount of <br />$4.059.10. subject to the approval of Atty. Courtney. <br /> <br />,4It REPORT Of TREASURER RlCHI\RD O'KELLY <br /> <br />AulQlllilElnt of Securities - <br /> <br />J...r., Ol,,&> i I Y iU"eSIM'ited a reQul!lst trom the first Sht. Bank of Ne. <br />Brighton. whicb I9sk~d Council iipprova! fo!" llI$Slglllllent of sec..rlt.".. <br />of $91,000 U.S. Treasury Ubtos to prohet mOIU},\, dl'lposlhd hlth4t benk. <br />Thill Coune!! alllthorlJ:~cl Mr.. O'Kelly to sign tho document. ' <br /> <br />^ blanket r<!lsolution to ~lIthorlze TI"Gssurer O'Kell'l' toapllrOvil!I,ol' <br />b6h~~f of tha Village. the typa of secllrltles to be pledged by Arden <br />i'll IUs deposltol"les. end to $19n llilllcessOlry forms, relating to SilO" <br />plllldgas wn read by I\ctl119 Ma 'for HoH.nhont. <br /> <br />Motion .~~ made bV H9nd0r~on. ~~condQd by Herrick, tnat R.sol~tl~n <br />M~. j'-5~ " as road, be approval! ~ith the addition to It that <br />urlllr {j'I(@!ijy 11I111 ropor1' sIBch clllilng4llll; '1''0 the COli 1'1 C I 0; lIIotlon'cll....r'ed <br />I! <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />REPORT OF CODE, E~fORCEMENT OFFUCER ~^WREWCE SQUIRES <br /> <br />C~r~0rtJ Code Ylol8tionS8nd Enforcement Procedures <br /> <br />hl11,p@ctOI" Sqlllr@l& I ht~d nllm0rOll3 c:oc!o IIlol"tlon5 Clxlstlng In 'the <br />VUUarJl'I. 1ll11!l'f dGthg back, to prior y913r1O. Most cH thill vloiatlQas <br />, l"'Ilhit@cl to I elld f I 'Illig or OXC!1lvst I 011 Illnd to dump I ng. MI". Ho I i.n- <br />hors'!' riw I E'Jtled a PI" I lOr COline II !lo Ii C'l. wll I ch required that tlleB,lIl1 d- <br />h~!J S!i~p(tctor not gr<!l\t sllch piilrmltll lfltl1ol11', Counel i approval!. Tho <br />COUr.C II rsqw<::ls1'llll tllilt 1'he po I Icy be cont I nued until after tile new <br />E)xc/watlon ordinance Is passed. They also asked Mr. Squires to <br />enf(lrce Village ordinllnCGS strictly to provont raw and unsightly <;O'nol- <br />tl~ns as a reslllt o' a~csvatln9. fllUlng and dUMping. <br /> <br />Mr. Squires suggas.tcll ordlntm:::;s publicity. The COllncl1 members', <br />cl>lpr@s!I<l'ld opposition to unsightly conditions left by filling or l)X- <br />cav~tlng projects. but no opposition to properly managed projects. <br />RepresentativEls present from 'the press were urged to pllbllclze.tI'Ie <br />matter. Clerk AdmlnlstratlOr Stromquist \'Ias askecl to consider senlt- <br />Ing Information on the matter out with tha next utility billing to <br />be Mailed January 5. 1972. <br /> <br />... Nuisance Complalllts <br /> <br />The Councll directed that compl~int cal~s to the Village nlOt be . <br />acceptoao:l IIn a e59 the comj.>! a I nent !l I \/ilill!l his 01" hlllr name. with the <br />excoptlon or certain ca~15 to the Police Dept. ot clearly unlawful <br />acts. <br /> <br />B.Ef.(l.R"t OF COUI'ICILlMN E. GR~Y HENPERSOI\! - F1nencQ l!lI'Id l4unlcipel <br />Admlnlstntlon lands and Sutfdlngs <br /> <br />Metro Se~er Charges <br /> <br />1<\... Hcmderson rlilpori"ed tll~ discussion !leUd st the I,ast R.C.L.N.;,.. <br />Il1g conclllrning m~t..o S0W8r charges. He \Ii II write toM!'. St...~,l~' <br />Metro Council representative. asking him to advise Ard...- HIOI.,",OWtlteZ' <br />$~~It~ry se~er capaclt'l' figure 15 detGrmlned. <br /> <br />