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� <br />Form 2523 <br />1Ni�REAS the term "said plans and specifications" as hereinaPter <br />used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, <br />refer to� and incorporQte the plsns and speoifications as in the foregoing <br />• recitals particularly identified and deacribad. <br />NOW, Tf3EN, BE IT RESOLVED that said plans and specifications For <br />the improvement of Trunk Highwsy Nwmber� renumbered as Trunk <br />� Highvray Number �within bhe limits of the <br />of__�jay��,. be and hereby sre spproved. <br />BE IT FURTHER �FS OLVID that the elevations end grader as shown in <br />se,id plans and speoifioatiors be and they are hereby approved and consent <br />is hereby given to any and all changea in grade occasioned by the eon- <br />struction eF said Trunk Highway Number� renumbered as Trunk HS.ghwsy <br />Nwnber�q�_ in acoordance with said plans a.nd epecificatione. <br />IIpon the call of the roll bhe fo2lowing�,,:1.��.r� �r+.e��.��-�/ voted in <br />favor of the Resolution: <br />The following vo�ed against ita adoption: <br />%Lo-�ri-t- <br />� whereupon the Mayor and presiding oFficer declared the Resolution adopted. <br />Dated � � , 19�,_• <br />! f �yo.�-�9 . ..e.a?A �,,,.� <br />Attest: �,.-��, � �C, �>-,z,,�.� � <br />�Clerk � <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) <br />COUNTY OF �n;�q ) ss. <br />VILLAOF� �F AH1D� . . 9 ) <br />I do hereby oerti.fy that at a regular meeting (sb a epecial meeting of <br />which due and legal notiae was given) of the��, � Council of�p,� <br />, M3nnes ota, ori the ,� -� day o�' ���,,,,�z .�. , 1 ,�e� w�'�a <br />majoritg of the members oP said Ceunoi2 were grese� , the foregoin��eeolution was <br />adepted. <br />Given under my hand and aeal thia �' day of� 1�_. <br />i <br />. .�����Y-�� F . -,J"� � FlL�-4!.� <br />. vi],lage Clepk <br />