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► <br />� . <br />th* �h af �ec. 33. T30. R23 approxim�tely 312G'; <br />thance aaeterly and para11e1 with th� south 11ne <br />of said 5ection 33 approximat�ly 1/a mil• to,th� <br />Qast line of said 5ecti�n 33; thance south�riy <br />alonq tho oast lins of said Saetion 33 approxi�aately <br />• 590'; th�nce easterly and para11e1 with khe eouth <br />iine of 5ection 34. T30� R23, approximat�ly 2.830' <br />to a pcint on +hs cantez ?Snf of S.T.H. �t32-I2g <br />as it naw axistat thence southerly along tht cer�tor <br />line of S.T.H. �1'S1-125 approxi�atfly 5b5' to its <br />inters�ctfan with Hamline i:ve.3 th�nce southorly <br />along the canter`'line of Hamline Avs. to its <br />intersection with the .south line<of aaid <br />Section �4= th�nc• •asttrly along thQ �auth lin* <br />of said Section 34 3298' to the poinC of beginning. <br />�t� vFHFR�AS s11 prop�rty owners whcg* �rop.rty fs lfable to be <br />ass�ssQd for ihe mak3ng uf this improvomen� ware givtn tsn days <br />publishsd noticP of.ttsR Council htarfnq through wt�kly publications <br />of ths reyuired natic�`and th� htaring was held and th� pzop�rty <br />• owners w�r+ heard h�r�on ad of ihat datQ. ft b�ing th� 2ath day. <br />of February, 1960, <br />NOt� THEREFbRE B8 IT REScn.VID By th� Gountil of the Village <br />cf Ardetr HiTls ea foliowss <br />'1. It is her�by drt�ra�intd that it ia r�casaasy and for the <br />best' int�rests of the Village a+d the own�r.s of th� property <br />especially benefitad that ths sanitary,sewer iiapsovemsnt it heraby <br />ord•r�d as propossd in the Council Resolution adapted Januasy 25, <br />146�, except� howev�r, that the oxtent of s,id improv�nt and <br />the €orsgoinq dtatriet boundaries ntaY bs reduc�d +ftQr dmtailed <br />surveys necessary fox the praparation of final p2ans at�d <br />specifications m�y' indicats tha`d�airability thereoi i� view of <br />additional subdivisions and gradhq of azeas sinct:the date of th• <br />ori�g inal surveys made 1'or th� prelfminary raport, so as to provide a <br />• sanitasy s�war system aa dvscribed in sb3d notice for th� t�rritory <br />described in sattl notice as follows: <br />Com�encing at thf 5t Cor. of ths Villaqa of <br />Frd�n Hills� which point is al�o th+ SE Gor. <br />of �tc. 34, T30, R23,:and which point is also <br />tho c�nter of th� intersoction of Lexington <br />• Av*nut`P7crth and County Ro�d "U"t'th�nct <br />northerly along the center lins of safd <br />Lexinqton Avenu� �050'; thence wasterly and - <br />parall�l to the sauth lins of Section 27, <br />'L30, R23, approxitnat�ly 2d33' to the c�nter <br />line of Hamline avenue; thence soutt�rly alonq <br />• th� ctnter lin� of Nae�line pvenue,approxi�ataly <br />530 ft. to the centez linf of the Minneapolis, <br />St. Paul B. Sault Ste. Marie Railway Gos�any's <br />right-of-waX;,tMnc• w�sterly aZong;thi center <br />lino of said iNinneapolis, S�. Paul and S�ult <br />ste: klari�'Railway Gpmpany's rf�ht-of-way <br />approximataly 4020 feet to a po nt on the w�nt <br />line of tha S�'� of th� SE%� of S�t. 28. T30, R23i <br />• thence soutl��rly along said rr�st lfne of said <br />SE!� of SE� approximateiy b?u^ feet to a point <br />