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T�4TDIIITES OF REGLI�4R iV�'$TiNG <br />• <br />COUNCIL OF 1N�', VILLAGE OF ARDEN HSLLS <br />P�Ionday, b'ebruar�* 29, 1960 - <br />The meeting was calied to order at 8:04 P,M. <br />• Holl Call; Preeent - Crepeau, Kennedy, Jones, Stromquist. <br />Ab:,ent - Ashbach (arrived at 10:10 P14) <br />� <br />The minutes of the February 8th, 1960 meetin� were read ar,d approved, <br />The c.inutes of' the rebruary 24th special meetin� of the Council �rJere <br />read and approved. <br />Leivis Laws, 1863 Lake Lane, carne before tho Council with a requast <br />to house one person in_a small trailer while remodelling a house. <br />i�Iatter was referred to 'Nelf'are Committee. Their decision to be <br />given after tne �Nelfare Comcnittee meeting on Pdarch 7, 1960. <br />14rs. P:argaret S�einkraus and P:Zr. Bob Flesch, of the Board of Appeals, <br />presented their recommendations for enange in minirrium lot widths in <br />areas zoned R-1 and R-2. They recommended a 90� minimum lot width <br />in R-2 and a 100� minimum lot width in R-1 areas. Mr. Fritzie stated <br />he �vas in favor of leaving the P-2 minimum lot uvidth at 75�. F'urther <br />discuseion to be neld over until PI[ayor �lshbach�s presence._ <br />Bids we1�e opened by Clerk Stromquist for the construction of certain <br />streets in Arden iIills known as Street Improvemeat 60-1, and were <br />read aloud b,y Engineer pon Carley as attached. F�ids were then referred <br />to Village �ngineer and Villa�e Attorney f'or tabulation and computation. <br />The public hearin� on this improvement will be changed from March 14, <br />1960, to Pl:arch 28th, 1950, at 8;00 P.14., at wnich time all Council <br />members are expected to be prasent. <br />The Neske re-zoning request tivas discussed at length. ivo action to be <br />taken until entire Council has opportunity to meet. <br />Dr. Sekhon, 1575 t,dgewater, came before the Council with a question <br />as to t'rie proposed direction oi draina�e on Edgewater. En�ineer Carley <br />advised that tne grade is to be lorovered and draina�e will. be to tne <br />:'ast. <br />•iVr. Clay �elly, villa�e Building Inspector, stated the avera�e home <br />valuation in areas zoned R-2 to be bettveen �18,000 and yp20,U00, and <br />in R-1 in excess oi yp25,000.00. <br />Attorney Countney read the resolution for <br />portion of tne Fatricia Patterson property <br />moved and Jones seconded that tn.e Council <br />auLhorize it�Ir. Courtney to procede with the <br />� cArr•ied. <br />tiie condemnation of' a 15+ <br />for an easement. Kennady <br />approve the resolv.tion and <br />condemnation. ;:�Iotion <br />-1- <br />