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}� _� � <br />Y,ZIVUTES OF HEGULAR &1EETING <br />COUNCIL Or THE VILLAGE OF ARDEP� NILLS <br />• , illond&y� lYlaT'ch 28� 1960 . <br />The meeting was called to order at 8:02 P.Y?, bq hlayor Ashbacn. <br />Holl Call; Present - Ashbach, Crepeau, Kennedy, Jones, Stromquist. <br />Absent - nona. <br />A Public Hearing was held to consider the improvement of the roads in <br />•Arden Hills �3, namely Ed�ewater Ave., Glenhill Road, psbury Ave., and <br />Hidgev✓ood Road. Eight bids vaere received and read aloud by i�4r. Uon <br />Carley, Village Engineer, as attached. They inclrided a base bid apd 3 <br />alternates. Alternate 1 inclu.ded a seal coat; alternate 2 inclufled seal <br />coat and curbing; alter•nate 3 inelu�ed seal coat, curbing and sodding. <br />The lova bid was submitted 'oy Jay �N. Craig Co., i�[pls. on whose bid the <br />estimated cost per lot was figured. F'ifty six lots are involved, <br />The completed road, including all 3 alternates wAs estimated to cost <br />�40%.00 per lot. Omitting the sodding, the cost ivould. be about $344.00 <br />per lot. Omitting the sod and curp, about 289.00. Omitting sod, curb� <br />and eeal coAt, about �p2n9.00 per lot. The method of payrnent would be <br />db�aemined at a special assessment hearing when the work is comp]eted. <br />Interested persons tivere asked to vote on whether they desired to proceed <br />with the iniprovement, votin� on the �289.00 cost estimate per lot, which <br />el3minates soddin� and curb. Sixteen voted for the improvement, none <br />�ainst. — <br />• A motion was made by Jones that the Council approve and.order tne im- <br />p:rovement, known as Road Impr•ovement #60-1, omitting soddinb and curb- <br />ing, at the estimated cost of y289.00_per lot. Seconded bq Crepeau. <br />rarried. <br />P(tr. Kenneth Sparks, 1385 Forest Lane, came before the Council with a request <br />for a new baseball site and diamond� to be available for use this season. <br />Yinimum space required for actual playing field to be 350� x 350�. n4atter <br />referred to Jones and Kenn�d�r for their consideration, and to vaar�k with <br />�tlr. Sparks. <br />P�Ir. Gerald Buetow, 1433 Forest Lane, requested t:iat the Council seek <br />suitable land for recreational areas in tne Village before cost is pro- <br />hinitive and before suitable sites are used for other pvagosas. htr. <br />Hobert ICerr, 3510 Siems Court, also appealed f'or racreational locations <br />in tne 'villa�e. <br />A complaint vaas brought before tne Council bq a rosident of Curru�iin�;s I.ane <br />•regarding the present speed lirnit on Snelling 4venue, between the point <br />�.vhere the divided hir;hway ends and County Hoad E. It is dangerous for <br />children boarding and leavin� the school buses bocause oncoming traffic <br />cannot see over the crest of the hill, and it is next to impossible to get <br />onto Snelling �venuo from Cuuuning,s Lane, during t'r.e "rush° nw�rs, because <br />of tne speed of tpe traffic and t:�e.poor vision over.tne crest of the hil1. <br />Council referred the matter to Jones to mako another req_ue9t to the liigh- <br />•=.�aay Dept, to reduce tne speed in that area. <br />1 <br />