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., <br />i.?INl7TES Ob� REGUI�AR P�IEETING <br />• COUNCIL Or 1':� VILLAGE OF ,ARD��? iiILLS <br />IV:onday, June 27, 1960 <br />The meeting v✓as called to order by Acting r�Iayor, Crepeau at 8:05 P.?;i. <br />^he minutes of t:ce June 13th meeting were read aqd approved as asnended. <br />Three bids were received for the new prden Aills squad car and were opened <br />• and read aloud by Clerk Stromquist as attached. Stromquist moved the bids <br />be referred to the attorney for computation and tabulation. Secondod by <br />Jones. Carried. <br />A Public Aearing w�s held re: the cond3tional use permit requested by the <br />Lake Johanna Fire Department to build a new fire station in a residentialy <br />zoned area. No one appeared i❑ oposition. i�4r. Kennady stated tnat the <br />5�ielfare Committee recommends tnat the conditional-use permit be granted� <br />and he so moved. Seconded by Jones. Carried. <br />Tvir. Harry Ehlers s�ated that the buildine of the nevr f'ire station presented <br />a sewer problem to provide setiver service to the basement oi the ?�roposed <br />new building. He requested that full sewer service be provided. Jones <br />moved tiiat the Council authorize a change order to lower tYie sewer to give <br />full basement service to tne new fire station. Seconded by Crepeau. Carried <br />i;ir. Clay Kelley, Building Inspector, offerad to rr;ake the inspection of the <br />new fire station free of charge. <br />�irx. Ca:l Idimis, 1485 Glenhill Hoad, came before the Council with a request. <br />that tY:e road drainage at his corner be cnanged because the water is wasn- <br />ing out the dirt he had nlaced there �'o fill in a low area. TYie matter <br />was ref'erred to Jones. <br />P,4r. T. Dorholt, owner of the Twin Ciiy �l'railer Park at 4702 Highw�ay 8, re- <br />quested that he be ailowed to.create 26 more trailer lots in nis trailer <br />park. ivir. Kennedy reported that the tiJelfare Ccmmittee approved the additiona: <br />trailer lots providing a fenced play area for young cnildren is also pro- <br />vided. 'xiennedg moved that the Council accept the coim:nittee�s recommendation <br />and that the additional lots be allowad subject to the provision that the <br />the two (2) areae, as described to t5r. Dorholt, be fenced for play areas, <br />and also subject to the approval of the Village Building Inspector. Secnnded <br />by Stromquist. Carried. iUfr. Uorholt ssked iP the permit would be itransf'er- <br />sble. This matter was referred to the attorney for his inve�tigation. <br />i�1r. Rollie 5eltz, 2130 Rid�ewood Road, questioned the Council re: the assess- <br />�nents for both se�ver and road improvement for his propertg. " house is <br />• in Roseville, and his sewer connection is in &rden Hills. i:�r. Seltz was <br />requested to bring the matter before tiie assessnient cor.�unittee at the assess- <br />ment nearing. <br />��,�r. Joe Bussard, 4335 Highway 10, requested periuission to hook up a trailer <br />on nis lot on Sandeen Rd. for use ��r'nile building a house on the property. <br />�Ie also requestecl pes�mission to divide the lot into 2 separate building lota. <br />Jones moved that a 90 day permit be is9ued to ia'r. Bussard to park a trailer <br />on riis Sandeon Road property wnils tha house is b�tLng built. Stromquist <br />aeconded. Carried. The request to divide the 1ot was referred to the <br />Building Inspector for his investigation and recorrunendation. <br />1 <br />