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� MINUTES OF REGtTIAR P.4F;ETING-COUNCIL OF VILIAGE OF ARDEN HILIS-Tune 26,I961 <br />Page 5 <br />Te2ephone listing as ssnt out b� telephone Company ia O,A.'d. <br />\ <br />• Thuraday, July 20, 1961, 8:00 p.m., is set as time for hearing all complaints <br />on Sewer Imp. #1 assessment charge of 60¢ per £ront Yoot. <br />At 7:30 p.m., on July 20, 1961 will be the bond sale for 5treet Imp. #3,4,5. <br />Mr. Peter Popovich will get out noticea for both of above meetinga. <br />Mi�. Popovich, village fiscal agent, presented figurea for a suggested bond <br />issue needed for Street Imp. #3,4,and 5, the total of these bonda to be <br />�420,000.00. <br />Mr. Kenpedy moved, Mr. Olmen seconded that council approce resolution cover- <br />ing sale of bonds for Street Txnp. 3, 4, and 5 sa attached. Motion carried. <br />R4�. Cramer's request for an arc light on Beclffnan and New Brighton iioad <br />reYerred to Mr. Olmen. <br />Mr. Crepeau moved, B�r. Kenned seconded motion for v311age of Arden Hilla to <br />purchase a timia� device for �400.00 from Newr Brighton Village. b4otion <br />carried. <br />Mr. Kennedy moved, Mrs. Stromquist seconded motion that the Arden Hills <br />Village police DepaTtment be authorized to put op police service dut�ing the <br />day time on Saturdag and Sunday through Labor Day. This to be at a cost <br />of �16.00 per day additional to budget allowsnce, i�otion carried. <br />�Mr. Olmen moved, Mr. Kennedy seconded motion that claima ea preaepted by <br />Mrs. Stromquiat be approved. �lotiop carried� as follows: <br />Specisl Fund checks 1098 through 1109, voidPng check 1023, plus General Fund <br />Sewer Maintenance and Sewer Maintenance as attached. <br />The meetin� was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. <br />C� <br />\ � <br />opraine tromquiat, er <br />