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� <br />' <br />� <br />� <br />After diacu�sion and considfration cf the varioue coaewtrt s <br />pz�eent�d� Membar �Crnnydv i.ntroduc�d tM fflltowirq� <br />re�olutian and movad its edcptions' <br />RE5C74UTI4N ��DOPTS�IG ,h�ID CON[�IRI�ING <br />RSSESSNrENTS FOR STREET IMPR01fEMENT i�. 60�1 <br />Hfi IT R850LVED by tha Villaga Councii of the Village crf . <br />E�rden Hi11s, ktinrttsota, as followa: <br />1. iht amount prop�r and nRa�ssary to b� specially aas�sded at <br />this timp far Str�et Tnpsoven+�nt 23c. 6C-1 against tv�ry ae�stss- <br />abl• ).ot. pi�c� or parcel of land affocta8 thtrsby has EHn �uly <br />caiculat�d Upon ti�� l�asis o� bsnefits, witkaut regard to cash <br />valuation� in accoxc9ancs w3th theprovisions of bfinr��ota Statux�s. <br />r.hapter �2�r, and notice has been duly pUblishad� as reyuir�d by law, <br />that this Cauncil wauld meet to hasr, consitler at�d`paga upos� all, <br />objections. if any, �nd saic3 prpposad asa�ssm�nt has at aIi t3m�s <br />aince its fiiing bien opin for pt�biic ins}�ection, and en opporiunity <br />has been given to a11 tnterested �aersons to �resent thsir obj�ctions, <br />if any� to such prU�osed asseasmenta. <br />3. This Gouncil, havir�q hsard and c�nsider�d ali obj�ctions 60 <br />presant�d, and beis��' fuliy advfsRc3 in the ps�aais•s, fi»ds tl�at sach <br />of thr ICts, piecss snd pazc�ls of land anum�rattd fn iM :prapo6�d <br />assassmsnt ��+as and is sp�claliy btne#ited by the constructian of <br />said impiovement in not leas than tfiQ amount of the asi�sam�nt <br />set apposi�e tht d�scription of each such'�ot, pitee aCd paseal ef <br />land�respsctiv�ly> and such amount ac aet oat is h�r�by 1Rvi�d <br />againat eacA of 4hs resp�ctiva lo€s. piscas �r�d parcels of 2antl ` <br />therein descrits�td. <br />3. Tht proposed assessments ere h�reby adopted �nd coe�irm�d <br />as the proper sp�cial asb�ssa�ents for �ach oi aald'lota, piacss <br />and parcels of land r�sp�ttively, and thQ ass�ssea�nt aqainct •ach <br />parcel, toqather with inter�si at �he ra,t• ai !!�S p�r annnm accruinq <br />on the full amount th�reof fr�m tim� to ;ime unpaid. st►all b� a li�ra <br />concurzent pjith gen�ral°taxes upvn such pasc�l and a12 tharaof. Th� <br />total ame+unt of aaeh such asaasament,shall bee payabls i� tqaal annu�l <br />pzincipal in:tal2n�ent� exttnding ov�r a p�riod of t�n ye�ra, th� <br />first af said instaila�hts. CogQthsr with inL�reat on th� tntire <br />assesament frore t�a dat• h�xoaf to D�cesab�r 31. 1961 , to 6a <br />payabl• witA gQnere� tax�s far the year 19�_ , collectibl� in 1461 . <br />and one of eseh of th� remaining installmen s. together veith ona y�ar's <br />int�rQst on tha# and sll`ot�er unpaid i�tstallteanta; €o'be payable <br />with qenarul tax�s �cr sach ca�tss�ativ� ysar thsreafter until th� <br />entlre as$esament,ia pa1d. <br />4. Pricrr to certi#icati�s�` of Ehe assess�cwnt €a the Gounty �uditor, <br />the own�r of any lot, piecf or parc8l ef land ass+rssed h�z�by �+ay at <br />any time pay the iahole af sueh,asslss+�ent� .�ith iat�r�st to the datM : <br />of papment, t$ t14!'Vilieqt 7xaasdY�r, but no`intex�st ahall be charqed <br />if such paymorst is made within 30 days after tt:e daSe rs# thia xesolu- <br />tion.:. <br />5. Tha V�,11a�e Glesk shall. as soen a� �ay b., �+rapare and <br />txansmit to th� �uti�y Ruditor a c�e�ctffled duplicate cf tM ass�ssa+ent <br />zoll� Niih each instslise�nt and intersst on each unpaid ass�sament <br />set fosth sepasately� to be exteoded wpon the proper tax 11sts o€ tt�e : <br />County and th� Gaunty Auditor shall thereaftes collect seid a�sessa+�ntc <br />in tho mann�rr pravid�d by law. <br />