. . , ..'M. . . . . . _ � ' ' . . lY . '��. ' � .. , . . ., ..
<br />. ' � � _ .. .. ... ' � � . . ' . . .. . . . . '�..
<br />. .• � . . ' � . � � � . . • ' . . � . . ' � � ' , . . � � .
<br />=2. ;It is hereby.found and.'deterinined tiy th3s�'Counsil that the '
<br />�' foregoing amendmsnt ta sazc�=proposed assessmed� is �ust and Aquitab��,
<br />,. and �ecessary° tcr _�. fair assessment for ;pay�ent of -tho cost of said
<br />.., . . „ ,.
<br />- � , S�pFovemc�nt, ; . ,. . .
<br />� The tnot4oci for th� at�opt3v�i of •.the fnx�egoing. sesolutior� rlas
<br />`, dul� saconded by Trustse v C,�,��e� , and upon vote ba�ng
<br />taleen therQoq, •th� £o1lo�ting. vot4d in' f.avor thereof ; p�;
<br />and'the £ol�ouuing voted agai�rst the,sar�es �� NQne
<br />..
<br />, .
<br />' cJhereupo� said rasolutian �was daclared duiy passad and adopted;
<br />{camber . .�rnn�� : �hen :intrt�duced th� follo�,ing
<br />resolutiaR and ewved its;adoption: ' ' ` ,° ° '
<br />ASSE5S�3F,i�ITS �C?it SA,'VIiRRY. S�4JER Zk,'PRQUEh'i�IUT 1VE! 1•
<br />� .. .
<br />.;.BE IT R�SOI,VEl7 by -tha Vi11a�e Counczl of the V311ag� o£ ,. �
<br />r... . ; ,,. :, � ,: .
<br />Ar.den Hills,' FrZierf�sota, . as falloms. .,*. .
<br />, .. .. ,
<br />'1.. ,The,amaunt•prope� and necossa��� to ba specially ass�ssed at -
<br />tliis� timp, for Sa�litary Se�ier .Improvem�nt Nc,. 1, against 't�very a5sess-
<br />�b1e -lti�y �isce n� parcel af lat�d affect�d theretiy Ytas be�n duiy„
<br />calculat�d.upon the basis:,of benefits, without r�gard.to cash
<br />va�ua.tion,• in accorda'nco r;rith tha prov3sions of .ifinnesata Statutes, �
<br />Chep,te7� R29, and° noiice has been duly put�lished,� aS sequirQd by la�d, ,
<br />that this Council ylould �neet to he.ar, cansider and pase upan a11'.
<br />objcsct�ons� Sf any; a�►d said prbpos�d a;ssessmsnt has at a11 times
<br />si�ce its"filing.been o�tfor public in;spectfon, and, an oppartunity �
<br />has been $iven t� al� intesested peas0ns #a prssent their objections;'
<br />if any, to such proposet} :asses5ments and saiEl propased ;asscsse��nt has
<br />baen amendad as tb certaiti parcelsof land� by resolutioo^du1y: ,
<br />adopted this'datQ.: : - ,
<br />. '' 2.� This �ouncil, having heaid atit3 �onsidored aIl objections so
<br />. ,pres,ented, and being feilly,advised ia the premises, finds.that Qac'h
<br />of the lats, .pi2ces and pareels of� land enuraerated in the }s=oposed
<br />asse^ssi:�ent as- so amend�d tv�s and:is specialiy ben2fited by",tPse
<br />cons�truction of sa3.d iaiprov�ment in tiat less tharr thfl arnount of the '
<br />ass�ssment's�t oppos�te the descriptian of each such lot, picac� and
<br />�' �- parcel oi land,,.xospectiue].y, ,and� such� a;nount so _set out is hereby ,
<br />levied.agains.t each of the respeetive lots, pieces artd parcels of
<br />land,-:the�ein.dEscribed.., .: . _ , .
<br />3. Th� proposed assessments as arnen��d ara hereby,adopted.
<br />and confirmAd as the �rope� special assesstnents for each of sa�d lots;�� -.
<br />p4ec,es ae�d parcEls o� land �rt�spettively, anei tho assessment against : '
<br />each�, par�el, ,�tngetiie� u�3th interest at, tke rate of 5,� .�er annain
<br />. accruinc, on the f ull amount thereof from fims� t4 tii�� unpaid,.s�ail
<br />be a lien concuxr�at with general taxes uhan sucFi parcel ars� all_the.reof.
<br />Tho 'total amout+t'of each suoh a:ssessm�nt sha11 be �S�yable in equaZ
<br />annual pa3ncipal'ihsiallme�ts �extend�.nc� t�ve� a p9rz�d. of twer►ty
<br />yaars, tl�e firs.t o£. �aid",1nst�2.ltnen�s,. �ogCther rrith inierest: on th�+
<br />ontire assessrnant.fr,om the.date hereo�' to Lloc.em�i� 91. 1�6I, ta.tis
<br />• pay�able e�✓3th gan�ral taxes. far the. ye,ar. l�bn, callectible ia, 1961, .
<br />�nd ane of �ach 4f the rQmainz�g installments. togethQr ti�iith one yaa�'s.
<br />interest on that and ail other unpaid.insta}]mants, to b�.payabl�
<br />with,genera� tax�s for each conseCutive year thereaf t2r unti� tho:
<br />onti�e assessm�nt is paid.
<br />