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ALLEN & COURTNEY <br />A7TORNEYS-AT-LAW ' <br />!.�/06 FIRST NAilON11L BANR BIlIlO1N6 <br />6AINT PAUL 1. MINNESOTA <br />•:. <br />C�PITAL 4'J�B� <br />� <br />Sepf�mbet' a2r 19fst1 <br />Ytilege SI a� Ardan Fiillm <br />i1a�0 �rast hu�y 96 <br />Si. Peul 12, ar�sot.n <br />� <br />Gent2emens <br />'Ya6�y Y havg c�sidered the Spec3£ictationa e�-�d Bid Aropasale on the c+bova <br />maLter, tageCher vtth the i`abu3etion of �lds ao sutxaiCCed on S¢pte�ber 8, <br />1g60. I hava noied t1�at tha �id ot 8�rbasoAsa 8 Sons, Inc. on Bro,j�ats 1 <br />�ne 2 �e �,2al�,587.50 ��r �xh,Soo.DO €esPeativaly, aaa cnet $�te sia� �e <br />caasbic�d� t�`int i�aiey Hsos., I�. se3bmf�,ted t� Hid of' �;a2�:l�87.`�5 oa Projec� <br />I�er 1 bnd Acton Constr, Co. sts'hmltted a b!d Qf 325,>J3.00 an Project tio. <br />2. ?he c�ined �arbarosse b[d 4a sapprax4�t,�},y Sb6.Ofl hi�fier the�� fihe <br />�"o2oy b#d vn ProjeaC Nraaber 1 a:sd Y.lee Aat9n Hf8 on 33�ojeot 1�4er 2, i£ t.Fc� <br />jP?t{�8T El�'Q C(�3b3nEd fls t�lE� �,0}I bC. � h$lY0 StiSA� n0�8d �'tl'!9 Y&P�OU9 ��.Qs ot9 <br />�he olter�te, relat�� to thR p�niarn to be pai8 tor a�le�4on of a22 of <br />t11e �k Ly Je.n�sy l� 1961. <br />• a:ith rafarenc� t,o ttter �],terrs�tLesy Y 0m vi t� optaian t.h��. t3i� Bar�ros�a <br />D �itgr�ate ��a aa:,noL be eece�SCed' since no do2ler amouxst !a spevifle�i. if <br />t� athsr bids on i;lse ai�ern�te (on the predtna), ara not evr�siderf.d Pavora- <br />8�1y by Cha Councils then qll bi8s on the eltart�att¢� shauld be re,�eeted. <br />I-:!!iA r�fera�e to arriving a� o deCermfn�taon bet�saen the 8arbarussa jrsfnt <br />bi4 arxi ths Faley-As:tott bt88 I am c� the opinion �t the Gourusii can iske <br />inCo eoAsider�iion che �parent ebility of sa[th a£ tl�se blddera to co�rieta� <br />Ghe pro,�a+ct in �,he shartest �ima� assuasing that eiGlzer would do tT�e �oH fn <br />o�o��alik� mermer. at it epp�urs to ehe satfsYectian oY ihe Cawroil, f� <br />e�2e�d that H�rbse�assa is � compa�y. �tefdnf��ly mare e3cparfer�ce8 itt seore� <br />ao.�structlan a4' thfs +�ype, even. thoagh bs��h b�6ders are �retisely respons4ble <br />troia a tAnaacfal stendgoYnt, fhvn Z am ai the opinioa that the Cou-ncfl �y <br />' st�d ttw pri�..*y bid to Bstb�sossas evcn thocagh its bid i� 6pproxim�tely <br />�60.Uf? h�gh2r. Y11� dQ�c�e�.to:� permf�fied th2 Councfl $n deterwinir� t.�t <br />"L�rssL raapoasibie bidder° is e¢sy nasrrerca, bu� 4n a 1949 opiafon L3ie Attor- <br />�y (ieneral held ttui£ t�e a��t mi� ifl ao��ass ena aenE� mey b¢ rejeated <br />by the Cwnail if enoth2r bfd seeas be�tec for t.tze objeat to be acco�lfshed. <br />�� this eese �Re Speoifaestions a:ui the Propo�l clearly indfaete that an <br />early caorupk�tidn of l2se proj�ct !s important ta !he Gacu�il, �ad kbz� selct- <br />t,ive m�erf�nce o£ the traa bid� sAot�lB be $ fecLr� �ich t,Yrt Caunefl: c�n eon-� <br />stCer t�rxe, !F therc is a d¢Pir�ite d�ff�ser�ce in thefr pxolmbZ¢ ��ii3.�y to <br />p2rfarm. fAteoxr�ry ('#en¢ra3's Opinion ?07 A-1a, Febraesy 23s iF49) L� con.. <br />n�ctfa+� rtith tlzis t1�e Council �p �i�o aa:isider, i� it is e praat3cal diP- <br />ferenCe, 'the €ect thei Bartiarosse vau�d be dofng the ant,fr¢ ,ob under !ts <br />�, _` ,�ts#nt bi2l, �fitle tsao cosstr3act�a vou2il b� perfn�#ng the uork if t,tm Folcsy- <br />Acton h4d3 were Bvuepted. Zn arrlv4qq at hcth ap3nions I h�av¢ eonside�'ed <br />the fac� that the differanca bet�en �ese trao bide is �pprcaeic�te2y �60.(� <br />